Chapter 61 : Dealing with my best friend's betrayel

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After 3 long hours of trying to calm a crying Melania, Tiffany had to meet Tony, so she left her with Grisham

" Mrs Trump... We need to discuss this with your husband "

" Do we have to do this now ? " Asked Melania wiping her tears

" Umm, actually we are kind of late, people are going mad on social media... "

" Okay... I just can't bear myself to look at Donald's face... He's going through hell lately, Biden, Harris and leftists... And now because of me he's going to have more problems to deal with " said Melania as tears were forming in her eyes again

Grisham took a deep breath, she's not a person who cares or let her emotions and feelings showing up in her work, but she can make an exception right ?

She sat next to the first lady before speaking

" Do you remember what Laura Bush told you few years ago ? "

Melania looked at her " yeah, when I first came to the white house, It was really hard for me, she said that no matter what I do, they will criticize me and say bad things about me "

" Well, she's right... You did an amazing job, and the haters kept saying some awful things about you, so Your friend's recording won't change the fact that all the haters can do is hate... Now let's discuss this with your husband, we will find a solution don't worry about it, okay ? "


When they made it to Donald's office, they found Junior, Kimberly, Eric, Lara and Ivanka sitting there

Judging by Their faces, Melania immediately understood that they knew about What happened

She avoided looking at her husband face, so she sat on the the only available chair next to Lara,

And even as she kept looking at her lap, she could feel everyone's eyes on her

Grisham decided to break the uncomfortable silence, she cleared her throat " Mr. President I believe that you are aware of what happened today "

" Of course he is ! And all the American people are enjoying the records ! " Said Eric

" Melania... How didn't you notice that ? I know you trusted her but..."

" That Snake needs a good spanking session ! I just want to burry her ugly face in the mud ! " Commented Kimberly

" ENOUGH ! CAN'T YOU GUYS KEEP YOUR MOUTHS CLOSED ? " Shouted Donald getting tired of his family's coments

Melania's eyes widened when she looked at her husband for the first time since she put her foot in his office

" Dad... We didn't mean to upset you, we're sorry " said Junior

Donald ignored him, and looked at his wife, he could see that she was feeling horrible, and he couldn't blame her

It's barely 7pm, which means 5 hours after the recording were published, and tweeter, facebook and instagram were full of nasty comments toured his wife and him

He cleared his throat trying to calm himself
" I know It must be hard for you to endure such a betrayal from your so called best friend, but Melania ! For God's sake, how many times did I warn you about her ? " He asked not able to hide his anger

With some effort, Melania swallowed and a small gasp escaped her before she could speak " I know Donald, and I'm so sorry for this... I I should have been careful with her, I shouldn't trust her, I still can't believe that she did this to me ! " She said as tears were running freely on her face

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