Chapter 51 : She's back

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Eric, Ivanka, Jared decided to go home, as Junior and Kimberly stayed with Donald and Amalia

Viktor was running in the long corridor of the hospital, he spotted Donald's oldest son sitting in the waiting room, with his fiancee or girlfriend or whatever... It doesn't matter to him, all he's thinking about is his Daughter, his little girl, his Princeska... He was so harsh to her,he literally broke her heart lately, he can't stand the feeling of guilt that was killing him... He was brought from his thoughts when Junior patted on his shoulder

Junior : " Hi Viktor... How are you holding up ? " He asked gently

Viktor : " Is she okay ? Your sister told me that she was doing better ! "

Junior : " Yeah yeah, don't worry Melania is doing fine, she's resting right now, Dad and Amalia are with her "

Kimberley : " Why don't you go and see her ? She'll be happy to see you "

Viktor closed his eyes, how is he gonna face his daughter after all the mean words he's been saying to her ?

He took a deep breath before, entering the room, he was met with the anguished faces of his wife... 
She was staring listlessly at the opposite wall, and didn't notice when he came in
Donald was resting his face on the bed where Melania was sleeping... His heart was beating so fast as he tried to take a glimpse of her beautiful angelic face...

He cleared his throat, trying to get their attention, Amalia sobbed agonizingly " Viktor... Oh Viktor " she run to him, and he wrapped his arms around her, " We-we were so close to lose our girl..."

Donald stood up, his face grave, and walked over to them. His voice was quiet " Viktor... "

Viktor nodded, then gasped when he noticed Amalia's bloody dress underneath her coat... He closed his eyes at the image of  his daughter bleeding out... He tried to fight the nausea from raising in his throat

" Moja ljubezen, you should go and have a good shower, and try to get some rest..." He spoke to his wife lovingly

" No I'm not leaving her... I need to stay with her " she cried

" Hey I'll take care of our daughter, You two are going, and get some rest, Now ! Besides I need to speak to her in private when she wakes up " he said firmly

Donald hated this, but he knew that Viktor was feeling really guilty, so he didn't want to be selfish, and decided to give him two hours if privacy with Melania

He moved her hair from her face, and kissed her cheek softly, before holding Amalia's arm " Come on let's go, We need to check on Barron too "


Viktor stood alone in the dark room, staring obstinately at Melania's still body tucked underneath starched covers in a hospital bed...

Her gorgeous honey hair was unfurled over her shoulder, shorter curls resting just beneath her chin. He wanted to brush them away, to fix her somehow, but nothing seemed quite right...

Nobody could tell from her flawless face what had been going on inside her, even him... Her own father "Why'd you do it?" He asked quietly, striding over to the bed. He stood over her, a mixture of abandonment and betrayal flickering across his face. "Huh ? Why, Melania ? Why this, why moja hči..." ( My daughter )

His anger and hurt ebbed, and he returned to the window, looking out on the sprawl of Bethesda beneath him... In the distance, he could barely make out the Washington Monument, lit brightly against the navy-blue curtain of a city's night.

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