Chapter 53 : She's hurt

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After a good 30 minutes of crying, Barron finally pulled away from his mother's embrace, he watched as his mother laid back down

" Are you okay mom ? " He asked worriedly

" Yeah, I'm fine baby " she lied to him, her head was killing her, and she still feeling dizzy, It's probably because of all the medecine they gave her

" Are you going to sleep ? " He asked her

" No, I'll just lie down, you know that we are having dinner with your siblings " she said tiredly

" Can I lie down with you, I miss our cuddles " He asked shyly

" Of course baby, you are never too old for your Mama's cuddles " she smiled opening her arms for him,

Barron snuggled shyly with her, as she hugged him tightly to her chest, playing softly with his hair

" Mama can I ask you something ? "

" Of course Bubba ! "

" That man... Umm Peter, do you like him ? " He asked hesitantly

She couldn't believe that her son asked her such question, she cleared her throat before saying

" Barron... Nothing happened, tht man tried everything to get me, but he failed, he's just a lier honey, why are you asking such a question now ? I mean, I didn't see him all the week, and I'll talk to the security office, I don't want him working here anymore... "

" You mean he faked that-... Okay nevermind " he said blushing

She was relieved that he stopped his little investigation about that topic

" How is school little man ? "

" Good ! Fantastic ! " He replied quickly

She rolled her eyes " you are definitely your father's son, I'll talk to your teachers tomorrow, just to make sure that everything is fine with your classes "

Barron wasn't really happy, he didn't want his mother to know that he really messed up in the last tests...

" You look tired mom, why don't you take a nap and I'll wake you up in 3p minutes ? " He laughed as he watched his mother struggling with sleep

" Thank you baby " she mumbled before surrending to the tiredness, as sleep took her over.


The family members were gathered around the table,

" Why should we wait for her highness untill she shows up ? " Groaned Eric

" You're acting like a child Eric ! Can't you wait for a few minutes ? " Said Junior

Eric : " Well thanks to your sister, and all the drama and stress I've been through today, I'm really hungry ! And no i can't wait any longer ! "

Ivanka rolled her eyes at her brother's words : " Where is Barron ? "

Kimberly looks at Amalia " Yeah where is the little prince ? I hope he didn't run or something, cuz God knows I'm hungry, and I won't stand am other dramatic thing "

Amalia laughed : " He must be playing on his video games "

" Oh dear God ! We can't have a single peaceful day With this family " groaned Jared

" Yeah tell that to your wife " mumbled Kimberly

" Excuse me Kimberly, do you have a problem with me ? "Asked Ivanka, now tired of Kimberly's attitude towards her

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