Chapter 14 : She can hate herself tomorrow

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Melania woke up, she was disappointed that Donald wasn't laying next to her, she smiled remembering the previous night

There was a knock on Their bedroom door, god Donald is right, Her security aides should stop barking in their residence whenever they want

Melania : Who is this !

Amalia : it's me sleepyhead, you scared us ! Seriously Mel did you see what time it is !?

Melania looked at the clock : Oh my god ! It's 11am !!

Amalia : can I come in ?!

Melania took her robe : yes mama

Amalia entered the bedroom, Melania could see that her mom was furious, well she can't blame her

Amalia : did you take those pills ?

Melania : No ! I was tired and I needed to rest, don't be dramatic mama

Amalia : You are acting like a child MELANIA ! You're the first lady, and you're a mother ! And you are Sleeping until 10 am everyday

Amalia was going to sit in the bed, next to her daughter, then she noticed her nightgown and her underwear on the floor, she immediately understood what happened yesterday

Amalia : I think I should umm leave you know.. I'll be with Barron and Your dad

Melania was so embarrassed : I'm gonna join you in 30 minutes mama

Amalia : Mel, honey please try to be more responsible, like you've always been before

Melania : Okey mama, I will do what I can

Melania gets up and, she hugs her mother tightly
Amalia smiled and kissed her daughter's head

Amalia : Come on honey , Go and take a shower, then join us in the garden


They were having lunch, at the garden of the white house, Amalia noticed that Barron was silent

Amalia : Boba, why are you silent today ?

Melania : I don't know what's going on with him today

Barron : Nothing mom ! Just drop it ok !

Melania : Hey baby, did I do something wrong ? Are you mad at me ?

Barron : No, Can I go to my room

Melania : you barely ate anything ! Honey you know that you can tell me anything

Barron : please mom, I wanna be alone

Viktor : Bubba your mom is worried about you, we can help you, what bothering you son ?

Melania : Barron we are best friends, aren't we baby ?

Barron : yes, because I can't see my friends thanks to your husband

Melania : hey, don't say that he's your father !

Barron : unfortunately he is ! I can't have a normal life because of him, and neither you can ! We barely leave this house mom ! We are living like prisoners ! I hate my life !

Melania couldn't believe that Barron was saying this, he has always been sweet and a happy kid, it hurts her that he's not happy anymore

Amalia saw that her daughter was so hurt, actually you 13 years old son telling that he hates his life is the worst thing possible

Amalia : baby, your parents love you so much, your mom is trying her best to make you live a normal life, and you dad is trying to protect you from-

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