Chapter 84 : If this is my last night with you

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" Mel...I'll do whatever if takes to fix this," he repeated, needing her to believe it.

"Donald..." she reached over to put her arm on his and it was the emptiness and the resignation in her eyes that killed him. Anger, fury, frustration...he could've handled all of those. But not this... he can never live without her

" I need to leave. If you... really love me, please just accept my wish " She paused and this time it was her trying to read him. " Donald If you really mean it about wanting to change...then do what you can to accept this. For both of us."

Donald exhaled. He kept telling her he'd do whatever it took to fix things.

But again, he hadn't expected this. This wasn't just a fight or a little misunderstanding

"Alright," he agreed letting her know he meant it on both counts. That he'd try his damndest. And that he understood that he'd lost the battle to keep her. That he'd lost it couple nights ago when he banged his hand into a bookcase " If this is what you really want... I won't hold you back anymore like I used to do "
Even if it's killing me... You are free to leave Mel

Melania nodded " Thank you, I'll look for a lawyer for the you know... " god I can't even say the word divorce...

Donald wanted to throw up right there
" No... I umm I will get you a good lawyer don't bother yourself with that " he said forcing himself to not fall right there " Well it looks like we are gonna do what you wanted "

" Yeah it looks like that " she said quickly
It's not what I want... but this is what I have to do...

He probably should've left her then. Given her some space and time.

But he'd be damned if he was going to end this like that. This wasn't like his ex wives . It was Melania standing across from him.

He put his arms around her and held her close tightly

If he couldn't convince her with words, he could at least show her much she meant to him. How much he'd miss her.

Knowing how angry she still was, he half expected her to push him away.

But she didn't. Instead, she buried her face in his shoulders and held on to him just as tightly. Her hair felt soft and warm against his cheek and it flooded him with regret.

For years and years, I neglected this incredible woman. Neglected our marriage. Stopped taking care of us. Lately I was stressed and overworked and I was angry all the time. Oh Melania... Stupidly I assumed that you'd always be around and I'd have time...
Time to figure out how to show you that you mean the world to me

"I'm sorry, love," he whispered into her ear, his arms enveloping her, wishing he could find a way to keep her there forever. Warm, close and safe.

She didn't say a word in return and Donald wasn't sure how long he held on to her like that.
But he knew that it wasn't long enough.
" Mel ? " he said pulling away to look at her face
" Hum ? "

" I know you made your decision and you left me with no choice... I'll respect your decision " even if it's tearing me apart " but I need to keep you safe... I'm afraid anyone can try to harm you or... "

" Can we talk about this later ? " she asked not wanting to think about this right now

" Of course... Well I think I should go now "
Unfortunately... I really don't wanna go...

" Yeah... you should go " she said biting her lip nervously fighting with tears
I just want you to stay...

" Don't forget to cover yourself, I used to wake up at night to find you so freaking cold with no cover " he smiled sadly

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