chapter 09 : Naked in the cold bathroom

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While Donald, Barack, George and Bill were finishing their work,

Melania, Michelle, Laura and Hillary were speaking about the poor emigrant children

Hillary : I Know it sucks but this is what we should do..

Michelle : Yes My husband did the right thing with that decision..

Laura : yes I feel sorry for them, but we had to do that..

Melania : Actually, I told my husband that I'm not supporting him in This , he keep thinking that he can force me like he usually do but this time I won't be in his side, and I won't show with him,in the conference.. I know that some immigrant parents lied about the reasons that made them leave their countries, but Some of them really had to do that, who knows what they have been through, believe me you don't decide to run just like that for no reason...

Hillary laughing : Are you living in a fairy tale ? Sorry to disappoint you honey but sometimes you really have to put your feelings aside ! Maybe your dear husband should have told you this !

Melania was really mad : You don't know anything about my life Mrs Clinton, and my husband and I don't really share the same opinions, And when it comes to kids I don't care about what it should have been done ! Cuz the life of those poor people and their kids is more important..

Michelle : You're right it's important but American people come first

Melania smiled : Yeah you're right.. so Your think I don't care about American people cuz I'm Slovenian

Michelle : No Melania, I didn't say that, I just want you to understand that you have to put your feelings aside like Hillary said, cuz in two weeks you're gonna have to talk to the press, and people need to see that you are supporting this decision

Laura smiled softly at Melania : Hey you are a good person, I don't really know you but I can feel that you are a kindhearted, Melania I really don't want you to face more problems with your husband

Melania laughed nervously : What do you mean... We.. We are fine, We don't have any problem

Hillary : Oh come on Melania, should we speak about his infidelities ? Or about the way he controls you ? Or should we speak about the bruises we've seen yesterday on your wrists ?

Melania couldn't believe what she's hearing : I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about !! I fell on-

Hillary : Save it, we've seen his fingers prints on your wrists, and I'm not surprised actually I've heard people talking about this in the white house, but I didn't pay attention to them, Until yesterday-

Michelle : Look Melania, it's your personal life but a president abusing his wife.. this isn't nice at all

Laura : No Michelle ! It's not just about what people think of the president.. maybe she needs our help or i don't know

Michelle looked at her Hillary, they decided to advice Melania to keep her problems with her husband away from the media, they didn't want to interfere in her personal life..

Melania was fighting the tears in her eyes, she didn't want to humiliate herself more.. she did what she does best... Put on her icy face

Melania : You're right, We umm we have some problems but it started after I gave birth to our son, He changed.. he became an other person, When Barron turned 6 years, He started to see his dad's bad temper, and mood swings... So I've decided to divorce him... And he made sure to make.. make my live miserable, he said that he would die rather than divorce me, I tried to run, he took Barron from me, I kept begging him for two months to bring him back to me, I attempted to end my life, I was desperate, my son is my everything... She couldn't hold her tears anymore they were

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