There Is Someone Out There For Everyone (5)

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Adrian and I started walking back to my locker after Adrian had calmed down even though he insisted on holding hands I wouldn't let him, I was to afraid to touch him. We got to my locker and he lent casually against the locker next to mine as I got my bag and things I had failed to get before Adrian had blown a gasket.

"I guess you have some anger issues, huh?" I said casually.

"Yeah, I guess," Adrian shrugged.

"My sisters can be really protective sometimes," I added.

Adrian turned to me, "How did you know I wasn't going to hurt you?" He asked.

"Instincts, usually if you were some normal person, I would be avoiding you like the plaque but there's this little voice in the back of mind telling me not to," I explained.

"Voices inside your head, you must be crazy," Adrian teased.

I shrugged as I shut my locker, "If I'm insane then I'm dragging you to insanity with me," I joked.

I paused. I hadn't cracked a joke in what felt like years, after his death I couldn't bring myself to joke around like I used to. It kind of felt nice to kinda lay back after constantly beingon edge.

"I'm actually wondering why you haven't asked me about the fights," Adrian told me, bringing me back to reality..

"If you picked fights for no reason you would have a way bigger ego and you would also be more hostile. Being violent for no reason usually means anti-social, Bipolar, Sociopath and other disorders and is most likely doing drugs. You didn't show any sign of taking drugs , being Bipolar or being anti-social so I thought that maybe you have a heart under that tough exterior of yours and you stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves," I explained.

Adrian looked at me weirdly. He looked somewhat proud but soon the expression was gone.

"Wow, was your dad a psychologist or something?" He asked.

"No. He's a doctor, I got into his medical books when I was younger and couldn't stop reading them. I always read medical books whether it be on neurology or pathology anything ending in ology really, I'd read them and I'm I'm just really good at reading people," I told him.

"So you’re going to follow your dad’s footsteps?" He guessed.


I paused when I saw my sisters were gone and they didn't even bother leaving the second car behind. I'm sure four of them could've fit into one car. I clenched my fists, irritated, as Adrian frowned at the lack of cars.

"I can drive you home," Adrian offered.

"It's fine I can walk," I said, turning to leave.

Adrian grabbed my arm to stop me, "What kind of person would I be if I just let you walk home. I don't like you walking home alone."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine," I agreed and he led me to a motorbike. My eyes widened and Adrian laughed when he saw my expression.

"Don't worry love, I've got a spare helmet," he told me.

I blushed when he called me love. I took the helmet and strapped it on. Adrian laughed and tapped the helmet on my head. I glared at him and he just mounted the bike. I carefully mounted the bike behind him, careful to avoid his bare touch, and once I was on I gripped Adrian's waist as if my life depended on it, which it kind of did.

He sped off and I let out a startled shriek, gripping his waist tighter. I felt Adrian chuckle and if I wasn't holding onto him so tightly I would've hit him. After a few minutes it started to be kind of relaxing. I loosened my hold and rested my head on Adrian's back, if I hadnt had my helmet he would've been dead because my head would've touched his neck. The speed we were going at was exhilarating and all too soon we were at my house.

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