Christmas (10)

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I entered the house and immediately heard squealing. My eyes widened as I saw Ariel charge at me. My breath was knocked out of me as Ariel hugged me. 

"I can't believe it! You already have a boyfriend!" Ariel exclaimed. 

I frowned, "You just read my mind, didn't you?" 

"Yep!" Ariel nodded excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. Ariel looked more excited than a kid on Christmas. I ignored her and went into the kitchen and found mum cooking. 

"What's Ariel so excited about?" She asked. 

"Adrian asked Delaney to be his girlfriend!" Ariel announced. 

"Really?!" Mum exclaimed. 

I rolled my eyes, "I was going to tell her myself," I told Ariel. 

"Oh whatever!" Ariel rolled her eyes. 

"I'm guessing by Ariel's excited tone you said yes?" Mum guessed.

I nodded shyly. Ariel then did a dramatic gasp. 

"He should come over on Christmas!" Ariel suggested. 

"I'm not sure about that Ariel. The whole family's going to be there. And you know how our cousins are like," I told her. 

"I'm sure Adrian can handle a few show offs," Ariel said. 

"It's still a few weeks until Christmas yet," mum reminded Ariel.

Ariel just rolled her eyes and skipped out of the room. 

"I'm guessing that your day went well," mum joked. 

"Yep," I nodded. 

"Cassie told me that you told Adrian about us," 

"Please don't be mad!" 

"I'm not mad. I'm just surprised at how fast Adrian got through those titanium walls of yours,"  

I sighed, "So am I. It's just ever since I met him there's been this... I don't know - connection - between us. He's one of the few people that make me happy," I explained. 

"I'm glad he makes you feel that way. Only obstacle you have to overcome now is your father," mum chuckled. 

"What? Why?" 

"He's still not convinced. You know how protective he is of you girls!" She explained.

I groaned and just walked out of the kitchen. I took a last minute decision and decided to go for a walk, I quickly went up to my room and rifled through my drawers and found my bikini. I turned back around and went into the kitchen, 

"I'm going for a walk," I informed mum. 

"Okay. Be careful!" She called as I went out the door.

I went down the same path I went down a few days ago and soon found the small lake. I grinned to myself and changed into my bikini and dived into the lake. I rose up and sighed happily. Feeling the cool water against my skin, I floated around on my back until I heard a growl. I froze.

I slowly looked up to see a feral looking wolf. He had dark brown hair that was covered in dirt and twigs. Saliva was dripping from his mouth. The feral in the wolf’s eyes scared me. It started to pace the edge of the lake. An idea struck me. It probably didn't like the water.

I sent a forceful splash into the wolves face. He didn't run off, it just made him angrier. I cursed. I couldn't touch it without getting hurt. I tried slowly swimming to the other side but the wolf caught my actions and soon ran to the other side. I was starting to panic. I can't swim forever; I was going to run out of energy.

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