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"Worthless lesbian!"
"Get back here!"
"Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you don't listen to me!"
"No! You're NOT going to "pride" or whatever!"
"You have a girlfriend?! No! Not on my watch! Break up!"
"Cry all you want! I don't care!"


Mukuro POV
I'm sick of her mistreating me. Sick of being hit. I hate Junko. That sadistic b****!
I'm getting a girlfriend if it's the last thing I do!
There was this girl in my school.

Sayaka Maizono. Ultimate pop sensation. I had no chance with her though. Not because of her rank as an idol, she had dated many boys who weren't "in her league", but because of my sister. God, I hated her.
I wanted Sayaka Maizono.
I needed her.
My heart needed her.

Sayaka POV
I've dated lots of boys, well, more like they dated me. Used my fame for their benefit, got some money, and left.

And then she came along.

I was confused at first. I thought I was straight, but I like this girl. Not just some girl, but the one and only Mukuro Ikusaba.
Others saw her as the sister of the most popular, most rude, girl in the school, but I saw her as an angel. Beautiful, elegant, calm and collected.
We were kinda friends? We were both pretty popular, so we were "equals".

And here we sat.
Alone in her car.
My usual limousine service wasn't available for my concert. So murkuro drove me.
God... she was so hot!
Finally, we arrived.

I sang. Fans cheered. But one fan caught my eye. Murkuro.
My backup dancers threw merch and t-shirts.
"One lucky person will catch this exclusive flower bundle with tickets to my next few concerts!" I shouted out to the crowd. People kept cheering.
I turned around. Took a deep breath. And threw the bouquet.

As I faced the crowd again, I closed my eyes.
"Alright everyone! Who caught the bundle, please raise your hand with the bundle!"

I slowly opened my eyes.
Murkuro. Murkuro Ikusaba, the ultimate hottie, was holding my bouquet.
"U-Um- it was me, m'am, I caught it..."

I felt my face heat up.
"Alrighty then! Come on up!"

Murkuro POV
I- I was just called onto stage by my crush?! The pop icon, Sayaka Maizono?!
I hesitantly walked up the steps and onto stage.
Before I could think, a wave of desire swept over me. I needed her. I needed her. I need her I need her I need her I need-
Our lips touched. I was in a daze, I couldn't help myself-
Had I kissed her? No- she kissed me! On stage- in front of hundreds of people!
I pulled away for air, but we soon resumed.
The curtains closed.

And then the unimaginable happened.

She tripped... and fell... right on top of me.

Her face was right next to mine, and so were her- um...
I was a blushing mess. I couldn't help it! I pulled her into a kiss, my hands playing with her hair, while hers held onto mine.
We were passionately making out, in a fury of desire, need, love...

Sayaka POV
Her hands in my hair, then tracing down my back... I shuddered... she was so hot... I needed her.

I finally pulled away and sat up.
"What are now?" She said.

"If you want... we can be... Girlfriends?"

Murkuro POV
No- she can't be my girlfriend! I want her to be... but Junko- No! Screw her! I don't care what she thinks! I'm finally getting the girl of my dreams!


t i m e s k i p

I woke up. Thank god it wasn't a dream, I still tasted her lipstick on my lips. I still felt her hands in my hair, or at least the memory

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