Sick (part four)

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As Leon walked down the hall, he played with his hair. It didn't help Junko would be there. But he did it. For his... boyfriend.

"Heya!" Ibuki ran over to him. Her hair was still in her little horns, but the rest of it was tied up in a ponytail. Her pink dress had bits of blue lace here and there, decorating it like little flowers. "Ibuki didn't expect you to come!"

"The band has to play, doesnt it?" He laughed. That wasn't why he was here. He was here for Byakuya. He was here to protect him.

"It sure does!" Kaede chimed in.

"Woah! When did you get here?" Leon was startled by the blondes gentle yet vibrant energy.

"While you two lovebirds were chatting it up!" Kaede giggled.

"You're funny! Ibuki likes girls!" Ibuki patted Leon on the back. "Us two are just friends!"

"Oh! Okay then!" Kaede smiled.

Leon stood there awkwardly until a hand grabbed his.
Oh god... he thought. If it's who I think it is...

"I could tell you were uncomfortable. You didn't have a place in the conversation, so you just stood there, right?" Sayaka looked him in the eyes.

"How could you tell?"
"I'm psychic!"
"Nah. I just have good intuition I guess."

Leon rolled his eyes. "Don't mess with me like that."
"Why not?" Sayaka purred. (Not literally she's not a freaking cat)
"Because I have a boyfriend." Leon blurted.
"What? Okay then. Sorry about that."

Leon walked over to the snack station. He felt uneasy, but he didn't dare turn around.

He walked over to the closet to get some more decorations for when he performed. As he grabbed streamers, something pushed him against the wall. He saw Sayaka, her arms pinning him down.

"Get off me! Let me out!"
"We had a deal."
"I never liked you okay?!"
"Yes you do."
"No! Everyone sees you as the kindest person alive- but I know."
"Know what now Spiky?"
"I hate that name! I know the truth about you! How you're a demon!"
"We both know that's not true..."
"Get- away!"
"A deal is a deal. We had to tell everyone we are the perfect pair. Plus, if they knew you were... um..."
"What?! Gay?! You're too afraid to say it?! For gods sake in middle school I kissed so many dudes! More than you have! Who cares if I'm gay?!"
"Our reputation does."

Mahiru saw the two walking together.
"Hey! Two members of the best band ever! Mind if I take a pic?"
Before Leon could say anything, Sayaka nodded.
As the camera was about to snap a shot, Sayaka kissed Leon.
Leon ran away. It looked like he was too flustered, but he was actually angry. Enraged, even.

Leon didn't want this. Not again, not ever. He didn't want to think about anything, so he went on his phone. Scrolling through the school social media, he saw something.
The picture of him and Sayaka kissing had gone viral in seconds.

🎸RockCandy🎸: Wow! Ibuki never thought this would happen! I'm so happy for them!
🍇PantaBoy🍇: haha
🔧Bubblegum💗: congrats man!
🏅SplashyDonuts🏅: aww that's so sweet! 
⛓Shingucci⛓: kekekeke that's nice
🐜BugBoi🐜: Gonta is happy, even though Gonta does not understand romance!
🍤TempuraTeru🍤: didn't know you were a ladies man!
💵ShutUpPlebs💵: good job Leon. I'm happy for you.

Leon started to cry. "What have I done..."


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