Stop That (KomaHina Short Story)

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"I'm worthless Hajime... why are you still friends with me? Useless garbage like me doesn't deserve your respect..."

"Stop that Nagito." Hajime held Nagito's face in his hands. "You're amazing. Okay?! Stop talking bad about yourself! When I'm with you I- I just..."

'Dangit... I just-' Hajime stepped closer.
"You're not trash. You're beautiful." Hajime sighed.
Nagito was shocked. "H-hajime? You don't normally act like this... are you okay?"

"I'm not okay until you're okay." Hajime stated.
"You're beautiful Nagito. Absolutely amazing." Hajime pulled Nagito closer.
"H-Hajime!" Nagito gasped.

Hajime lightly kissed Nagito.
"Oh god what have I done!?" Hajime shouted as he ran away.
"C-cute..." Nagito sighed dreamily.

Part two? Idk lol. I thought this was kinda wholesome. HOPE you enjoyed

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