Sick (Naegami Short Story)

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"Byakuya..." Makoto whined.
"What is it Makoto?" Byakuya turned around to look at him, only to be shocked by what he saw. "You're really pale..."

"Am I?" Makoto mumbled.
"Yes. Now come with me. I'm going to get you some water." Byakuya insisted.

"Ugh... I don't feel good..." Makoto groaned. "I feel like... just... like... I'm gonna-" the floor swayed under his feet. "I- I'm... c-catch m-me..."


"Gh- Makoto!" Byakuya gasped. He bent down and felt Makotos forehead. "It's burning..."
He picked up Makoto and walked to the nurses office, making sure to keep a steady pace, faster than normal, but not too fast.

Seeing Makoto laying on the bed made Byakuya sad. The poor boy was shivering and shaking as he was unconscious. Byakuya decided to take off his coat. He laid it down on Makoto so he would be nice and warm.

Byakuya started to think. He never acted like this, never this kind, so what was different? He definitely wouldnt do this for someone like Leon or Sayaka. He didn't know. He sat there and started to relax, knowing that Makoto would be okay. The calming music of the nurses office lulled him to sleep.

To be continued...

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