Makoto X Yasuhiro

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"Hey, Naegi-chi!"
Makoto turned to look at his best friend. They had been friends for years now, always by each other's side.

"Another case of bed-head, huh?" He pointed to the taller boys messy hair.
"I normally tie it up before bed, but last night I was so tired I couldn't pull myself to."
"Why were you so tired?"

Yasuhiro blushed a bit. He had been thinking about his best friend, planning to ask him out, but he had no idea how to.
"Um... thinking. Yeah! Thinking!" He laughed.
"I guess that's a good enough reason." Makoto shrugged. "Anyways, I'm gonna go catch lunch with Kyoko, see you later!"
"Yeah... see ya."

He looked at the ground.
"Kyoko, huh?"
He started to cry.
"Kyoko. Superior to me in every way. Smarter than me. A talent that makes sense. Not a stupid wimp. I should have just told him then and there!"
He wiped his tears. "No use in crying..."
He walked to his dorm, and his anger grew. "I've never been the violent type. But now, I'm not gonna say no to a fight with Ms Kirgiri..."

The next day...........................................

Yasuhiro POV:
I tied up my hair and put on a t-shirt and jeans.
Me and Kyoko were usually the first to get to the cafeteria. I was taller than her, so I had an advantage.

"Hello Yasuhir-AH!"
I punched her.
She was knocked to the ground, holding her arm. "H-hiro, whats this about?!"
I was so mad. I couldn't get the words out, so I just laughed.
She got back up and punched me back. We kept fighting as more and more students flowed into the cafeteria.
Eventually, Sakura and Mondo arrived, holding us each back.

I saw someone pushing through the crowd.
"Yasuhiro what the hell happened?!" He shouted.
We were both badly hurt, but he rushed over to me first.

"I'm fine naegichi. She um, did something I didn't like."
"Are you okay?"

3rd person pov
"I'm fine..." Yasuhiro said.
"Here, let's go to my dorm, we can talk there."
Yasuhiro followed Makoto to his dorm, where they sat down on his bed.

"So what happened?" Makoto looked up at Yasuhiro.
"I'd, rather not talk about it..."
"Okay! We can talk whenever you want to, you know? I'm always here for you!" Makoto smiled.
I blushed a bit and started to tear up.
"Hiro! What's wrong?"
"Nothing... I just, I..." Yasuhiro put his hand on Makotos shoulder.

"Can I kiss you?"
"Huh?!" Makotos face heated up. "That's kind of sudden but um..."
"It's okay if you don't want to!" Yasuhiro shook his hands a bit.
"No, it's fine."
"Really?!" Yasuhiro beamed.
Makoto leaned over and kissed Yasuhiro.

When they were done, Yasuhiro adverted his eyes while blushing. "So what are we now?"
"Whatever you want!" Makoto smiled.
Yasuhiro laughed. "That's a bit too much power you know."
"You know what I mean!" Makoto laughed and hugged Yasuhiro.
Yasuhiro was taken aback by the affection, but slowly hugged him back.
"Boyfriends?" He asked.

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