Repairs (Kiiruma)

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Kiibo lied down next to Miu and fell asleep, holding her.
Later that night, he woke up, a bit anxious.
"Hey Miu?"
"Miu please wake up, I need to tell you something..."

"Okay.. I'm up." Miu sat up and looked over at her boyfriend.
"I think something happened to my right arm, I can't feel it..."
"Oh, you probably slept on it, and the wires got pressed together." Miu yawned.
"Can you- fix it?"
"Of course I f-cking can!" Miu smiled. "Here, come over to my lab."

They walked over to the lab and Kiibo sat down on a chair.
"Here, I'm going to press a button and put you to sleep so I can work on your arm."
"Okay! Thank you Miu!"
"No problem darling!"
Kiibo smiled. He loved when Miu called him cute names like that.
Miu pressed a button and Kiibo fell asleep.

That morning

Miu pressed a button on Kiibo and he woke up.
"Morning my love!"
Kiibo smiled. "Good morning Miu!" He moved his arm around. "You fixed it!" He laughed. "Thank you so much!"
Miu went over and hugged him.
"No problem. I love you!"
"I love you too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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