Sick (Part Two)

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As Makoto slowly gained consciousness, he realized Byakuya had brought him here.
"You're up." Byakuya was relieved.
"Huh? Yeah." Makoto replied.
"Let's go outside." Byakuya suggested.
"O-okay I-I g-g-guess." Makoto stuttered.

As they walked, the smell of roses filled the air.
"B-Byakuya?" Things started to sway again. Makoto was clearly not doing well. "M-my throat feels weird..."
"Hm? How so?" Byakuya was very worried, but tried to look like he was calm.
"I-I'm.... Gh!" Makoto started coughing.
"You okay there?" Byakuya put his hand on Makotos back.

Blood. That's what Makoto remembered. As he coughed, more and more blood came up. He remembered sirens, talking, crying, car horns blaring.

Makoto woke up to machines beeping, doctors talking, the pounding of footsteps, and more crying.
"Wh-where am I?!" He demanded. "Let me out of here!"
"Shh... it's okay Makoto..." Byakuya reassured Makoto, even though he was trying to reassure himself.

That night, Byakuya sat at Makotos house. Komaru had offered for him to stay over.
"Are you okay? You haven't eaten..." Komaru said, clearly concerned.
"I-I'm fine..."

The next day, as Byakuya walked to school, he couldn't stop thinking about Makoto.
"Hey rich boy! What's with the t-shirt and jeans?" Junko taunted.
"None of your business Barbie." Byakuya stared at the pigtailed girl.

"What'd you say to me you expired lemon?!" Junko shouted.
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Byakuya faked a laugh.
"It's the truth." Junko stepped forward to him and grabbed him by his shirt. "Your glory days are over. I heard exactly what happened to your boyfriend."

"H-how?! If you hurt him, I'll kill you!" Byakuya said, struggling against the pink haired girl's grip. For someone with her build, she was pretty strong.

Junko quickly threw him to the ground.
"What would be an acceptable punishment? Hmmm... hmmm...hmm... " Junko pondered. "Ah! I got it! Humiliating you and bringing down your status!"

"H-how do you plan to do that?" Byakuya was mad. Not only at Junko, but himself as well.
"Easy!" Junko threw a maid dress and cat ears into Byakuyas hands. "Wear it. Wear it or I kill your "boyfriend". I won't hesitate."

"Fine." Byakuya walked to the bathroom and changed.
Thank god nobody is here... Byakuya thought to himself.
As Byakuya finished putting everything on, he looked at himself in the mirror, only to realize he wasn't the only one in the mirror. He turned around.
"L-leon!" Byakuya gasped.
"Hey cutie..." Leon pulled Byakuya to him. "What's with the outfit?"

"P-please stop. You're making me uncomfortable." Byakuya muttered.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I thought you- maybe you were looking for someone to date or something. I should've asked permission before touching you." Leon was flustered.
"I accept your apology." Byakuya hugged Leon. "I'm going through a really tough time."
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Leon offered.
"S-sure..." Byakuya sat down on a bench.

"M-makoto- h-he's in the hospital..."
"Damn..." Leon looked at his feet. He couldn't help it. He started crying. Makoto was his best bro. What was he supposed to do? "I'll wear the dress."
"Sure... but aren't you gonna be embarrassed?" Byakuya didn't want Leon to be teased.
"It's chill!" Leon assured him.

"Why are you wearing it?" Junko went over to Leon.
"I decided it would be better for me to wear it instead of my bro." Leon declared. "How long do I have to wear it?"
"Until prom. Or until Byakuyas boyfriend is back."
"Okay..." Leon shrugged.

"Yo, Byakuya! You and Naegi are dating?!" Leon was shocked.
"What? No! Who said that?!" Byakuya started biting his nails, a habit he hadn't given into since he was little.

"Junko said your boyfriend was in the hospital so I assumed it was Naegi." Leon cocked his head.
"No... I'm single, but I do have feelings for him. I'm torn between him and someone else..." Byakuya admitted.
"Dang. I like Naegi too... and someone else... I don't know who to choose..." Leon hung his head low.
"Do you mind telling?" Byakuya looked over at Leon. 
"You..." Leon murmured.
"No you say it first." Byakuya laughed a bit.
"I like you too dumbass!"

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