Damn It! (Miu X Kaede) (Angst)

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"No wonder you can't get a boyfriend! All that makeup really goes to your head huh? You're just a dumb bobble head who can't stay in a relationship for more than a month!"

"At least I'm not a pathetic little rat! All you do is crawl around and lie! All you do is drink grape soda! All you do is piss me off!"

"It's all an act isn't it? Then close the curtain and, end. The. Show."

Maybe Kokichi was right. She should just hide away in her room, so nobody has to see her. She didn't deserve the beautiful girlfriend she had.

She was sick of putting concealer on her wrists.

But she did it anyways. Her middle school days were her worst.

3rd person

"Heya! Miu, how are you?"
"I'm fine Kaede."
"Miu- are you alright?"
"IM FINE!" Miu went out to slap Kaede, but Kaede grabbed Mius wrist.

"Why is your wrist all powdery? Like there's makeup on it?"
"Uhm- I-"
"Miu..." Kaede pulled out a makeup wipe.
"Miu why are you wearing makeup on your wrist-"

"I just needed to test it!"
"Stop hiding things from me! Every day, you lock yourself in the bathroom for a good 10 minutes!"
"I'm not hiding anything!"
"Yes you are!"
"No I'm not!"
"You're hiding something. And I'm going to figure it out."

Kaede look down at Mius wrist and wiped it off.
"Miu?! Are- are these- scars?"
"Miu why?! Why would you do this?! Why wouldn't you tell me?!"
"I'm just a burden."
"No no no no baby you're not! I love you!"
"Do you want me to talk to someone for you?"
*sniff* "yeah..."

The end! Sorry it's short I haven't really written angst before

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