Coffee (SaiOuma Short Story)

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'I can't believe Kaito is making me do this...' Shuichi thought. The sight of the cafe was overwhelming. It was big with too many people inside. His head pleaded no but his nose pleaded yes. He couldn't deny, he loved the smell of coffee. As he walked through the doors, a lady greeted him.

"Hello! How are you on this beautiful morning?" She chirped.
"Um- I'm good, thank you." Shuichi murmured. He wasn't good at talking to people outside his friend group.

He sat down at a table for two. As the warm smell of pastries and tea surrounded him, he started to relax.

But not for long.

"COFFEE COMING THROUGH!" A voice shouted. Before Shuichi could think, the waiter came barreling his way. Soon enough, he was covered with a bunch of iced coffee. And a familiar face was close to his.

"Shumai! Sorry about that. I guess roller skates really aren't the best way to get around."
"Kokichi?! What are you doing here?!" Shuichi only now realized that the chair he had been sitting on was knocked over, and he was on the floor.

"I have to make money somehow, idiot." Kokichi slowly got up. His white sweater was completely soaked with coffee. "Darn! That stinks. Welp!" He threw off his white sweater to reveal a checkered shirt. "Also Shumai, since I care about you, your drink's on me!"

The end

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