Im trying okay?! (Oumota angst)

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"Haha! Momota-Chan is scared of ghosts?!"
"S-stop it kokichi..."
"Why should I? You're a wimp, admit it!"
"I'm not! You're probably afraid of your own shadow!"
"Shut up you baby."

"Oh IM the baby when you're a short little boy who crawls around and  annoys the hell out of me? Oh I'm the wimp when you constantly hide behind Saiharas back?"
"Kaito calm down-" Kokichi had never seen Kaito like this
"You calm down! Listen I'm trying okay?! Every day I'm trying my best! I'm just trying to make it through! You don't know what the hell my life is like!"
"It can't be much worse than mine!"
"Go cry to your "super secret organization" or whatever!" Kaito spat

"If you're trying so damn hard it sure as hell isn't working!"

Kaito stood there, not a word came from his mouth.
"Hah. Very funny Kokichi. You're right. I'm gonna try harder. Harder than you ever have. I'm gonna do something that will improve your life by 10000!"

"Kaito what the hell does that mean?!"

"You know how I've always wanted to fly Kokichi?"

"You can't be serious-"

"So that's what you take me for. A joke?"

"Kaito that's not what I meant!"

"I'm alone Kokichi. I have nobody. Millions of fans mean nothing when you have nobody who truly cares."

"Kaito wait!"

Kokichi chased Kaito down the hall and up the stairs.
Then Kokichi noticed something.
Kaito had the keys to the rooftop in his pocket!
Kokichi ran faster, but Kaito was still far ahead.
As the got to the rooftop, Kaito locked the door so Kokichi couldn't get out to the roof.

"Kaito please! I'm sorry!"
Kokichi banged on the door.
"Damn it!" Kokichi broke down the door.

He ran after kaito to the edge of the roof.
"You hate me right? So I'll fly away, and make your life better."
"Kaito that's not it-"
And that's when it happened. Kaito, his best frenmy, jumped off the roof.
"Kaito I loved you!"

As Kaito fell, he heard Kokichi shout.
He loved him? He loved him and he decided to leave it all behind? Now he realized, Kokichi cared about him. He loved him. How could he do this?


And then darkness.

I woke up, and everything was bright and blurry. I heard beeping.
Where the hell was I? Everything hurt... my head was pounding.
I wanted someone. Anyone.
My vision was still blurry but I made out a figure walking towards me.
"H-hey! W-who are y-you?"

"Oi! Someone come take the bandages off his eyes, I wanna see him!" A familiar voice shouted.

"S-Sir, p-please don't shout I-in the h-hospital..."

"O-Oh, y-you're a-awake!"
What I assumed was a doctor came over and lifted the thin bandage wrap off my eyes.

So I was in the hospital.
"Nghh... why does everything hurt?" I mumbled
"S-sir please d-don't shout-"
"Shut the hell up! The man I love is alright after attempting-" the boy standing next to my bed went silent.

"Kaito... you remember me?"
"What... what happened?"
"You really don't remember huh? Well... we got into a fight and..." Kokichi went silent again, as if what happened were too painful to think about.
"Ah, screw this. You tried to... y'know... leave?"
"You mean I?"
"Yeah... hey Mrs nurse lady!"
"It's been a month, right?"
"T-that's correct." The purple haired nurse stuttered.

"A month since what?"
"Kaito, you were in a coma."
"A-a coma?!"
"Y-yeah... I missed you Kaito. I was worried you weren't gonna wake up..."
"I'm sorry Kokichi... to bring that all upon you? I'm such an idiot..."
"Kaito no! You're not..."
Kokichi lightly took me in his arms and hugged me, being careful not to hurt me.
And for the first time that I'd ever seen, he cried real tears.

"Momota-Chan. I have to go back to the hotel across the street. I'll come check on you tomorrow, alright?"
"Alright..." I was sad I had to see him go, but I would see him tomorrow, so that was good!

Kokichi POV
Next day
As the taxi pulled over to the hospital parking lot, I got a call.
It was from the hospital?
"Sir, i-is that y-you pulling i-into the p-parking lot?"
"Yes mam! Why?"
"Please hurry! Y-your b-boyfriend I-is- I-I'm sorry! I h-have t-to go tend t-to him!" The lady hung up.
'She thinks he's my boyfriend?!' I smiled at that, but then I realized- Kaito was probably in critical condition!
I hopped out of the car, left some money for the driver, and ran to the hospital. After checking in, I was led to his room.

"Kokichi... I have a few things to ask of you..."
"What is it Kaito?! I'll do anything you want!"
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Of course! Kind of an awkward time to ask though..."
"And no matter what, promise you'll stay strong?"
"I'll try..." my eyes were tearing up, but I didn't know why.

"And... can you hold my hand?"
I lightly place my hand onto his.

"Goodbye Kokichi. I love you."
Kaitos eyes closed, and the heart monitor made a loud beep, and went in a straight line.

"KAITO! WAKE UP! Kaito please wake up! Don't say this is the end! Kaito! Please don't leave me alone!"
I collapsed onto the floor in a weeping mess. My head was on the side of his bed, and I grasped his hand tightly. Normally he would have tried to squeeze tighter until my hand hurt, to tease me. There was no resistance. His lifeless hand was cold against mine. That's when it really hit me. He was dead. There was no bringing him back.

I let out a scream.
I screamed again.
I was a screaming, crying puddle on the floor, holding his hand.

And then I noticed a letter in his pocket.
I read it.

Kokichi, if you're reading this, it means I've died. What I did was stupid, I have to admit.
It's not your fault Kokichi.
I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm writing this as you're (hopefully) sleeping.
It's not your fault.
But I want you to stay strong.
Because I love you Kokichi.
I always have.
And always will.
Stay strong. It's not your fault.

He was gone.

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