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▫️Top kook
▫️Bottom Taehyung


Visiting that place was now a regular affair. A daily routine. Every once in a week. It relived his strain, the stress, the depression, the anxiety. He knew that place. It was well familiar and he was an everyday customer.

Just like any other normal night, today was the same. He entered the large area. It was much spacious with people crowding. One body on top of another. The loud music boomed and filled his ears. The dangerous smell of smoke filled his lungs. But it was addicting.

He sucked in a breath, sighing afterward. Today he wasn't just planning to get drunk. But also get laid. And it doesn't matter if it's a chick or some guy. He just wants to pound inside someone. Until they pass out and he becomes tired and relieved.

He approached the bar counter. He saw a face, an all too familiar face. A guy was standing there, smiling and serving drinks. Park Jimin. He was a bit short with small hands, chubby cheeks, and a cute, cheerful personality.

But besides that, he was pretty hot with his round squishy ass, bubblegum lips, and a flirty smile which he found sexy. If it wasn't for his self-control he would have fucked him a lot earlier.

But he was a good friend. They were good friends.

"Hey, gguk!" His friend's voice greeted him with a huge grin on his face. He smiled seeing him. "What you doing these days?" The music was too loud, resonating in the whole area. Jimin has to shout for both of them to hear.

"You know...everyday work...sometimes getting graveyard shifts..." He trailed off sighing afterward. Jimin felt upset for his friend. He gave a soft smile to his friend and Jungkook returned it and then sighed.

"Must be a hard life then, isn't mister?" A deep, smooth, velvety almost relaxing, voice came. Jungkook turned to his side. His eyes met the face of a boy. He stared at him for a good 3 minutes.

Even if it was a short moment, he didn't miss his chance to examine the delicate features of the boy. He was in awe, a daze. Completely stunned. He looked more beautiful with his skinny black slacks and that silky blue shirt.

The boy was of total beauty. So pretty, so beautiful. His facial features were smooth, delicate, and soft. The boy looked at him with his dark piercing gaze. His dark brown hair resting on his forehead. His lips were cherry red, so succulent. Jungkook gulped, unknowingly.

Fuck. He's hot...

The boy snapped his long fingers in front of his face pulling Jungkook out of his dream trance.

"Huh?...."  He asked.

"You seemed lost in thoughts mister." He said and smirked. Jungkook's mind felt hesitant and nervous. And fuck–it was just a simple boy. Just like any other boy. He shouldn't feel this timorous. His behaviour made him feel edgy.

Realization came over him. He needs to maintain his conduct...

"With that beauty of yours....I'm sure anyone would be lost in thoughts." He smirked back, flirting directly. The boy blushed slightly. "What's your name, pretty boy?" He asked.

"Taehyung...Kim Taehyung" he replied, becoming a little shy. Jungkook held his gaze looking straight at the Taehyung. "I'm Jungkook" he introduced himself and Taehyung nodded, smiling.

He never saw a boy like him. So beautiful and hot. And now that he's laid his eyes on him...he wanted him. His eyes traveled all over his body. He licked his lips, moistening it. He felt lust. And he knew well enough what to do now.

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