887 13 0

Kim Taehyung: 20

Jeon Jungkook: 17

«"ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝔹𝕠𝕪"»

Jeon Jungkook a 17 year old comes to spend their summer vacation near the beach with his family. There he meets his other cousin name Taehyung...

Top Taehyung
Bottom Jungkook


"Jungkookie" The boy's mom called his name sweetly. Jungkook who was watching pretty little yellow buttercups.

He finally turned around with a small smile.

"Hon, we're getting late. C'mon now time to leave," his mother exclaimed.

The Jeon's family was visiting their old vacation house inside the forest. They were meant to spend some quality time together since Jungkook's summer vacations had started.

His father took some day off from work to spend time with his family. Jungkook wasn't excited that much nor he was bored.

The last time he visited there was two years ago. Exactly when he was 15. He remembered catching fish with his father, giggling and laughing. It was fun.

"I think you should put it in the trunk." His father said to his mom. "Come here I'll help you" they both loaded the trunks with bags and all other things.

Jungkook's father took the driver's seat, his mother sat beside his dad and Jungkook himself sat at the backseat.

It was almost 20 mins through driving with Jungkook looking at the roads filled with houses and trees. Some looked fresh some looked dead through his car window.

"Jungkook hon, you remember Taehyung?" She asked and looked back at him. Jungkook thought for a while. Who's Taehyung? He shook his head.

"No." He stated.

"Just as I thought!" His mother spoke. "Let me tell you. Taehyung is one of your cousin. I remember back when you were only 13 Taehyung visited our house with his mom and dad. He also helped you with your winter homeworks." His mom spoke.

In no way he remember this boy. Well back when he was 13....he don't remember what the fuck happened! This is annoying!

"Just for you to know Taehyung is staying with us. His family has also decided to spend the vacation with us" his mother said.

Well whatever it was he didn't care whatsoever.

"You have the house keys right?" His mother asked to his dad and his father nodded looking straight ahead.

"How long is it gonna take" he whined and asked.

"Patience is the key my dear. Just wait we'll be there soon" his dad said with a grin.

Jungkook just huffed and slided back on the seat.


"We're here!" His dad said enthusiastically. Jungkook quickly came out of the car.

His mom took deep breaths. "Isn't this place so nice. There's greenery everywhere." His dad nodded and joined his mother. Jungkook just stood there fishing through his phone in a hurry.

"Jungkook come here and enjoy the nature, will you?" His mother spoke and frowned at his son.

"Yeah gimme a second" he said loudly for his parents to hear.

"I won't repeat myself, son" okay now Jungkook knew his mom was getting slightly mad.

"Whatever mommy" he rolled his eyes and went over to them.

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