749 14 1

Top - Taehyung

Bottom - Jungkook


As I laid on the couch I heard loud noises, whistling, laughing. Then suddenly the front door closed with a thump.

Must be Namjoon! I thought and continued watching the t.v. There goes my noble brother. He again brought his friends over or what? I peeked over at his direction. It's a fact, that all his friends are like wild beasts. And when they are drunk they are totally out of control. I wonder how he got all those friends...

(A/n: For the sake of the oneshot let's consider Joon as his brother :,-))

No wonder he's became like that too! To be honest, I remember he wasn't like that when he was in middle school. It all started from highschool. Drinking, partying, fooling around with girls, hooking up. And look at me still stuck in highschool but a decent kid.

The first thing I recieved was a bag to my head, that he threw. "Hey kid" Namjoon grinned at me and I glared at him.

"Get the fuck out man" I spat. I saw another one of his friends behind him standing. On a closer look it was Kim Taehyung!

Shit, it's him again! Our last encounter wasn't that pleasant. He got drunk and thought I was his girlfriend so he fucking groped my ass. If it wasn't Joon that day I surely would've ended up sleeping with this boy. Man...that scared the shit of me.

"what the fuck!" I said out loud.

"Respect your elders" Namjoon said again. This time I felt my blood pressure has reached it's peak and i needed to yeet him.

"What you wanna hit me?" This hyung...why the fuck does he have that grin on his face. If I want I can punch and break his teeths.

"Okay if you're done messing with me then get going" i said and continued looking at the tv. One thing Taehyung hasn't said a word the moment he saw me.

Well I have to say even though he harrassed me that day he apologized the other day. It was a "sorry about yesterday" and that's it. After seeing his expression it didn't even feel like he was sorry at all. However, another thing that I've learned about this guy is that he always has a blank expression on his face. Maybe he can't express his feelings? Yeah that has to be it.

I let go of that incident long ago but I gotta admit it's awkward around him. And it would be a lie if I said 'a bit awkward'. He's is the guy Namjoon brings home often. They are good friends and probably partners in crime.

Well most of the time he's here to play games with Namjoon and doing studies and homework. Nothing more than that.

"Aight aight, we gotta study so we'll get going. Let's go Tae!" He said and both of them left but before than Namjoon turned around and spoke again.

"Kook bring snacks later" he smiled sheepishly and finally naffed off. He annoys me so much. I won't do shit for him. What the fuck does he think of me? Some sorta maid?

After they went away I continued with my tv. I don't fucking give two shifts about him.


After some time I opened my eyes.

Did i fall asleep? I looked around. The television was still playing. I turned it off quickly. My eyes landed on the clock that was hung on the wall. It read 1:45.

Guess I really did pass out on the couch while watching tv. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

Did Joon's friend went away? I thought. It seems like he's gone. I don't hear any sound. Still I tried to hear but his room was quite.

I guess he's really gone.

Suddenly I heard a click on the door. I turned around and saw Taehyung who came out of the room. Oh so he's still here. He approached me and stood near the couch.

"Um...are you leaving?" I tried to ask but he kept eyeing me. Eh.. that's creepy.

"Yea, probably" he shrugged. "By the way you're brother was mad since he asked you to bring snacks earlier but you didn't," he chuckled. This dude's got one hell of deep voice...

I snickered. "I'm not his slave"

"It'll suit you"

I frowned at his words. What the fuck is he saying?

"Hey you wanna pick a fight or what?" I angrily asked.

"I'm not interested to fight with a weakling" he said with a calm expression.

"W-weakling? Seriously?" Did he just mock me? This guy's trynna tease me. No better than hyung.

Taehyung came closer at me and I felt my breath hitched. "Yeah, seriously" he backed away and smiled.

"Huh! You call me weakling but look at you. You look more fragile than me. And you're too thin unlike me" I smirked.

"Mm..I suppose so," he said. "Indeed you are. That makes you even more sexy" he spoke.

I was dumbfounded for a moment. Is this guy for real? I wanted to laugh. One moment he acts like a douche and now he's flirting with me?

"I like that blush" Taehyung grinned.

"What? Blush what? Who's blushing you retard?" I looked down. I. Am. Not. Blushing. I shook my head.

"Call me hyung"

"Get going" I rolled my eyes.

"Call me hyung first." He's demanding right now.

"No never"

"Okay let's do an arm wrestle. If I win you'll call me hyung and I can do whatever I want to you" Taehyung spoke with a smirk on his face. It was clear he was planning something in his head. Wasn't he?

"And what if I win?" I frowned and folded my arms.

"Then you get to do anything to me"

I nodded. "That's fair. Afterall it's me whose gonna win in the end. Oh I suppose you still don't know how strong I am," Taehyung suddenly laughed in his deep voice. And I don't know why I flinched slightly. The realisation came to me that I just flinched hearing his voice? Am I already losing now? I glared at him.

"Oh Jungkook you're so cute"

Vkook Oneshot ✧ 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 & 𝐊.𝐓𝐇|✓Where stories live. Discover now