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the night was chilling. cold breeze blew with dust wafting in the air. It made the trees whirl, almost as if the leaves were floating in air.

Taehyung's hand moved up automatically and fixed his big round glasses that slipped up on the bottom of his nose.

It was 1 in the morning and the boy was driving his way back home. He recklessly drove at full speed, regardless of the consequences that might can happen.

He didn't see a lot of people outside. He didn't even expect to find people on the street at that hour. He turned on the music. It blasted through the car. He started to move his head in sync with the song.

Taehyung, being immersed in his own world didn't see his car almost being zipped past the officers who were now chasing him.


It was the third time this month and he's again fucked up. He remembers accidentally, almost smashing his car into an alleyway previously. Also that one time he got penalized by a drunken officer.

As he decided to stop his car the sirens behind him went off too. A deep sigh left his lips.

"this better not be another gandpa"

He saw the police coming out of his car. He approached Taehyung's vehicle and stopped right in front of
the window. He knocked twice and Taehyung pulled down the window glass.

ok this wasn't some retarded grandpa this time. It was rather a handsome officer.

"do you know why I stopped you sir?" The male sounded a bit mad. His voice was rough.

"yeah...I broke the traffic rules"

Taehyung's eyes went down to the small badge attached to the male's uniform.

Jeon Jungkook

The officer's gaze lingered at the boy for few moments. It was as if he could bore his skin before he spoke again.

"show me the id and registrations" he said.

Taehyung obeyed and decided to take out his driving licence and the required things. The next moment he remembered he doesn't have them.

Fuck fuck fuck I'm screwed

"I...uh...officer I don't have lisence"

Jungkook raised his brows. "You don't have lisence or do you not own them?" He asked.

"No it's uh... actually I-"

"why are you driving outside at this hour?" He asked. His patience was running thin. Taehyung could tell that by his tone.

"I was my way back home" he honestly replied.

"At this hour?"


"I'm not allowed to let you go without checking your registrations and you don't have your registrations. So how are you planning to make up for it?"

Taehyung kept silent.

"How do you want me to make it up to you officer?" Taehyung finally asked looking straight into the officer's gaze. The same glistening gaze that felt like it could bore his skin.

Taehyung however wasn't bothered with him getting stared at for so long. He knew he was handsome more like beautiful and pretty. People often stare at him.

Some admire his beauty. Others get horny eventually. Not to mention the boy was a bit of whore himself. He wouldn't mind getting fucked or fucking someone.

If his current situation leads him to the exact same thing he wouldn't mind one bit. Moreover, the boy in front of him was hot. Maybe he can try.... taming him?

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