829 16 1

♣️Top 👉Taehyung

♣️Bottom 👉Jungkook

Taehyung entered the class empty classroom. Apparently he got detended for causing mischief in his history class.

It wasn't really him who caused the mischief though. He was minding his own business when suddenly he felt something hitting his head. It was scrunched up piece of paper.

When he looked around he saw Jungkook and his friends laughing and he quickly understood it was them. The classroom was quite. Everybody was focusing on what the teacher was saying.

Jungkook did the same thing again and Taehyung felt his jaw clenching. He still kept quiet. Just the same thing happened another time and that did it for him. He stood up with a loud noise.

"Yah Kim Taehyung what are you doing?" The teacher asked.

"Jungkook is troubling me" he said in the calmest voice possible trying not to sound pissed. All the students looking at him.

The teacher looked over at Jungkook who looked as if he got betrayed. "Jungkook are you disturbing him?" Taehyung scoffed.

As if he's gonna admit. What is this man an idiot?

"Never sir!" Jungkook protested. "I was only listening to you. I don't know why he's blaming me" he made an upset face.

"Taehyung I'm giving you another chance. Don't disrupt my class next time. Sit down you both" Taehyung looked at the teacher his eyes widened. He badly wanted to hit Jungkook.

He heard Jungkook and his friends giggling behind him.

But why would Jungkook trouble him for no reason? It was because he always picked up on him. Because Taehyung was weak.

And he often got bullied by Jungkook's friends and Jungkook who was the typical bad boy of the school with a handsome and charming face.

He was intimidating and everyone was kind if scared of him. He didn't need to tell somebody twice. He would always pick up on the weak's and fragile's.

At least Taehyung never saw him picking up on anyone who was twice intimidating than him.

Just after a few moment and this time Jungkook hit Taehyung in the head with something hard. Taehyung banged his fists on the desk.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He yelled out. The rest looked at him wide eyed. He never really cursed so it unexpected. Even Jungkook was taken aback.

"Kim Taehyung I won't tolerate this type of behavior and language in my class. You're staying after school. Detention!" The teacher yelled.

Taehyung felt angry. But he always kept his cool and tolerated everything even though he wanted to punch the shit out of him. There was a thing about him that he hid well from everyone and that is too act as a kind, polite and weak kid. And a teacher's pet. Wore big round glasses and acted as a nerd.

Taehyung made his way near the window. Since the classroom was empty he could sit anywhere. He had to spend 2 hours in there. He was stuck 2 hours.

He saw the teacher entering the class. The same teacher who taught them history.

"Kim Taehyung" he called out. Taehyung immediately responded.
"Yes sir"

"I hope you won't cause any trouble to the class after this." He said picking up some paper from the desk. "You can only go home after spending 2 hours here. I'll be in the principal's office" he informed and made his way out of the classroom.

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