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"Thankyou Mr. Jeon for today. Hope you have a good night" a lady in her mid twenties said and flashed a grin at Jungkook. The head of their upcoming project group. It was supposed to get released on the next week which was exactly after four days but Jungkook delayed it.

The reason you ask? Well he's currently dealing with a bigger problem than their project.

The lady tucked her hair behind her ear. It was clear that she was flirting. She actually never let go of any chance to flirt with Jungkook. Not just her but every single female employee in the office building was head over heals for him. And he was just in his early thirties.

It was already late in the night. The clocked displayed 2:04am with the constant sound of ticking and Jungkook with some other employees were left in the office.

"You too Yuri-shi," he gave her a little smile as he watched her walking outta the office.

"Late again Jungkook-i?" Another male's voice came and Jungkook didn't really havr to turn around too see the person. The voice was very well known. Too familiar to actually turn around his head and see.

So he just released a worn out sigh. "Yea" he muttered.

The make approached him and stood directly infront of him and at the edge of his working desk.

"Dude won't your girlfriend get angry? You're probably doing this for like one straight month. You'll fucking end up breaking up with her,"

"Shut up Tae! Don't talk about break up. I'm already having a tough time out here. You should help me instead of lecturing me" he slightly rolled his eyes. Taehyung smiled sweetly.

"So what exactly do you want as a help? You gotta tell me Mr. Jeon~" he tapped on his desk with his fingertips.

"You know what nevermind. Don't even think I asked for help" he suddenly got up. "I'm done for today. I'll bé heading home take care of the rest and go home, you too. There probably won't be much to do since I've done most of it. If it goes like this then we'll surely be able to finish this sooner than expected," as Jungkook was about to leave Taehyung grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back. Jungkook heard him laugh.

"Okay Mr. Jeon enough with that tough leader act. Now tell me what exactly happened?" Taehyung asked his friend. The two of them had a long term friendship since university. Taehyung was the first one to approach Jungkook with his lively, cheerful and dynamic personality. The first impression he has of Jungkook was that he was a dull kid. Not in studies but rather his personality. He was the boring type to him. Later they became best friends.

"It's-it's embarrassing to bring it up" he avoided meeting his(Taehyung's) eyes.

"Oh so it's about your girlfriend isn't it now Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung smirked. "You don't really have to worry. You can just tell me. Even if I have no solution isn't it's better to share it with a person?" Taehyung spoke. "Look at yourself Jungkook. The last time I checked you were actually doing pretty good with Misun. Now take a look at yourself"

"Ugh but it really is embarassing to actually bring up a topic like this! And- and I have a hunch you might just end up laughing or making fun of me," Jungkook looked at anywhere but Taehyung.

"Just say it dude"

Jungkook hesitated for a second. "Actually the problem isn't with her but rather me" Jungkook spoke and Taehyung became a little confused.

"Uh.. it's, it's related with my sex life-now before you say anything lemme just clear it" Taehyung sat on top of the desk this time as he prepared himself to hear Jungkook ramble since he knew that the man would stutter when he gets nervous.

"So... it's been three months already that we started dating. The first time we had sex was pretty nice. But there's a problem,"

"What problem?" Taehyung asked, concerned.

"The last time we did it and, and I uh... actually wanted to do anal" he looked away and Taehyung could see him all flustered. And Taehyung honestly found it cute.

"Oooh, so did she say no?" His friend asked.

"Duh... I mean what else would she say? I asked for her permission as to if we can do it or not but she called me a wacko!" He confessed. "Dude didn't even talk me to me for like three straight days. Does that make any sense? I mean aren't couples suppose tell each other everything?"

Taehyung nodded her head as if understanding his situation greatly. "So I'm conclusion you like ass" Jungkook hit Taehyung's arm.

"Don't fucking dare make fun of me" he warned with a glare.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to make fun of you. But isn't it true? You like ass. You wanted to do anal with your girlfriend and she just called you a dumb freak and ran away. Lucky that you didn't get slapped" he Chuckled.

"Kim Taehyung shut the fuck up! You know what go die I don't care! It was a waste of my time to even ranyiout my problems to you" he grabbed his bag but Taehyung got up and walked up to him.

"Mr. Jeon I actually had a solution" he smiled.

"Hah I don't care-"

"Oh but I do and so you should listen up!" He grinned. Jungkook looked confused and was actually considering to hear his friend out. So he waited for him to speak.

"How about you do it with me?" Jungkook paused. There was a long minute of of silence and Jungkook was processing what Taehyung said.

"Wanna do it?"

"You're joking" Jungkook laughed. But Taehyung expressions were saying that opposite. "Right? Your joking, right?" Jungkook asked with a concerned expression.

"Nah I'm not. I suggest you to do it with me" Taehyung spoke.

"DO WHAT?" Taehyung smirked.

"Sex Jungkook-i sex! You're old enough to know what I'm suggesting" he got even closer to his face. And Jungkook instantly backed away.

"The fuck? Enough with that. If it's still a joke you better just laugh. You know I'm straight right? What the fuck tae!?" He just silenty yelled.

"Ah, my bad I think I should've thought about that part as well that your a straight guy. As straight as a ruler" Taehyung started laughing.

Jungkook was now beyond confused as Taehyung just kept laughing. His laugh was oddly fake. One would just be greatly addled and so was Jungkook now. He watched as Taehyung walked up to the door without saying anything.

"Oh Jungkook-shi I think I'll go home first then. You should too. The leftovers works are all done as I already did everything," he smiled. "Good night then!"

Jungkook saw him walk out and he stood there dumbfounded.

A/n: wait it's not complete pt 2 is still there lol

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