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*AHEM* anyways-

(a/n: think of this senario near a village where there are lots of greenery)
Italic texts are the thoughts of characters.


It was a fine morning of winter. The paranorma of the nature was covered in a thick sheet of snow. It was somehow hard to distinguish the linear horizon that divided the clouds from the verdant.

It was a little too early and the gleam could be seen rising within every second from the east.

"Why do I have to do this?" a voice spoke. It was whiny but soft."it's you're turn to fetch fruits today, Jungkook" a female voice said.

The boy sighed out heavily. "Fine! But you have to eat whatever I bring" he went over to the other side of the table where a wood splint basket was kept.

"Hmm, I wonder what we're getting today.. Hope it's not the elderberries" a boy spoke and continued with his laugh. Jungkook snickered. "what the hell do you take me for? Huh Jimin?"

"insolent fool" he shrugged and the other boy gritted his teeth.

"enough! Stop fighting. Lord! Not a single day passes without you two quarreling" their mother shook her head. "off you go Jungkook then"

He glared at the pink haired boy one more time.

Time skip¿

"Damn fool. He dare say all that to me," Jungkook kept muttering under his breath. All the curses were being threw at his brother. He stopped momentarily and flinged a few pebble. He saw them fly across a narrow watercourse.

The next thing he saw wasn't quite expected. In the middle of such a bright day..what was that dark forest doing? It was just across the narrow watercourse. Jungkook frowned and tried to saw what was in the core of it.

It indeed was a deep and dark forest. Something about it wasn't quite right. And it definitely wasn't appealing in view. His stomach felt uneasy. Tall, big trees somehow made the scene a lot scarier. It was almost as if they were put together to made a gateway structure.

"What the hell is this?" He mumbled as he slightly stepped back a little and became alert.

"This, this definitely isn't a place. I better go back" he quickly turned back ready to run and never go there again. Jungkook dared not to turn around and see into that abyss again.

But suddenly he stopped at his track and started hearing whispers. They were non-stop mumbling and continuos muttering.

What's that? Jungkook thought.

He then again turned around to see the source of sound. To his surprise he saw tiny green lights flickering inside of that dark forest. His eyes grew wide and the curiosity increased. Now the boy wanted to actually go inside.

To him the lights felt like they were actually inviting him in. He didn't think of the consequences neither of going home late. His legs automatically started following the flickers of green bright light.

He was kind of scared. Neveer in his life he saw something like that. The whole forest was so deep and dark from inside that he couldn't even make out where he was going.

Will I be able to come out alive from this?

Why the hell did I choose to come here??

In a short notice he found himself standing near an area. He couldn't comprehend the place but there was a huge house in front of him. Jungkook blinked quite a few time to make sure it wasn't a hallucination.

Vkook Oneshot ✧ 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 & 𝐊.𝐓𝐇|✓Where stories live. Discover now