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"Oh Jungkook-shi, everything's prepared for the meeting

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"Oh Jungkook-shi, everything's prepared for the meeting. Now all you have to do is to tell when to start," a woman from his team said. Jungkook nodded.

"Where's Taehyung? Don't tell me that guy didn't come" Jimin, another man asked. As Jungkook heard Taehyung's name he looked around the office room. He didn't find Taehyung.
Is he not present today? Jungkook thought. Their previous conversation felt weirdly weird too Jungkook. Since his 31 year of living they never shared a conversation like that one before. It made Jungkook uncomfortable. But on the other hand he couldn't help but ponder over it again and again. So much so that he didn't even listen to what his girlfriend said. Yea that's what the male did after going back home last night.
People might say it was stupid to keep thinking about someone like that and Jungkook honestly felt that way too. He knew how ridiculous he was being. Yet he didn't even knew why Taehyung would bring up an offer like that before him. His own highschool best friend! And what he's supposed to think? I just opened up to my friend about my sex life and he suggested to do it with him instead to test things out? Is that how it's supposed to work out? The more he thought about it the more thrilled he felt about Taehyung.

"Park Jimin, I hear you" a voice came. It was Taehyung's. The aforementioned male looked around nervously and Taehyung approached the boy with his sweet smile that screamed mockey. Jimin knew better than anyone.

"O-oh Taehyung-shi" he nervously laughed to keep the atmosphere light and hoped that Taehyung didn't hear him. On the other hand Jungkook kept witnessing the whole situation. And especially Taehyung.

"I know you have my guts. Man..I honestly feel bad for you I mean what can I do if I'm better than you right, Jimin-shi?" Taehyung smirked and the other male felt irritated it was obvious.
Taehyung didn't go any further and let go of the situation. He then went towards Jungkook.
"Morning Mr. Jeon. Let's do our best" Jungkook just nodded unsurely and smiled awkwardly.


The clock once again read 11:10 as Jungkook shifted on his comfy seat and stretched his limbs out. Half the employee inside the office building left and a few more were about to leave.

"Hey Jungkook check this out!" Taehyung came from behind and put his arm around Jungkook's shoulder totally. He was startled and Taehyung grinned.

"Check this out Jungkook. Doesn't this bag look cool?" Jungkook glanced at his phone. He snickerd. "What are you still 5?" Taehyung pouted.
"Ah, why? What's wrong with this now. It's a beautiful color plus it's an expensive brand. But the color is a bit too flashy not gonna lie"
Jungkook sighed. "Yea it is"
"What are your thoughts?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook thought for a second. "Me? Well I wouldn't buy a bag like that even if I'm left with no option. I don't like eye catching things" Taehyung nodded agreeing with his friend. Somehow this conversation wasn't as awkward as Jungkook thought it would be. He was just hesitating all by himself.
Now he understood Taehyung was probably joking or playing a prank on him earlier.
"Wanna walk back to home?" This time Jungkook offered. Taehyung smiled. "Sure!"

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