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warning beforehand. there's obscene dialogues. if you don't like them don't read. it has smut and incest. pls try to ignore the errors lol. now you can proceed.


"look at this dweeb. can't even fucking get up and fight." the unpleasant frenzy of laughter broke out in the hallway."you're good for nothing" one of the boy threw a book at Jungkook's helpless pathetic physique. the raven haired boy struggled a bit to sit back up on the cold titled floor as he watched the group of boys surrounding him laughed. among them was a particular person that he hated the most. Kim Taehyung. he was the root cause of jungkook's current state. for the past four years the only thing Jungkook had done was to tolerate all the humiliation and embarrassments. all the rage, temper and anger.
helpless is what he was. there was nothing he could do to stop those maltreatment that he recieved from the elder. both of them were exactly two years apart from eachother and that gave Taehyung the upper hand in their relationship. or that's what he thought. however, that wasn't the only problem. it didn't end there. the continuation of jungkook's misery took place even in his own house. how? because both of the boys shared a very compassionate, positive and brotherly relationship. that's right. they were brothers. the only relief was that Jungkook wasn't blood related to that motherfucking Kim Taehyung in anyway. he felt a keen sense of happiness whenever he thought of this. who could possibly wish to dig their own grave by forging any sort of attachment with that fucker. for Christ's sake Jungkook only wanted to get away from his bully.

"enough." Taehyung said while smirking smugly. Jungkook felt even more infuriated when he saw the elder's hand stuffed in pocket and clicking his foot on the ground as he took in the amusing scene. jungkook's hand coiled into fists. not a single person in sight who dared to fight Taehyung. why? even though he looked like a dweeb himself! but Jungkook knew better than anyone or maybe there were other girls knew too- they knew because he fucked them, that Taehyung had a pretty sturdy frame despite looking like the fucking slender man. "get going boys. time's up" the rest of his dogs stepped back as Jungkook saw them leaving his sight. however Taehyung took his time for a few seconds as he squat on the ground directly next to Jungkook as he came closer to his ear.

"see ya next time nerd" few of them said.

"meet me at the janitor's room. two sharp" he quickly got back up and fixed his slightly crumpled shirt. he mouth a 'dont be late brother' and walked off.

"Jungkook oh my god!" Jungkook felt his friend, Jimin, wrapping his arms around his shoulder as tried helping the boy.

"it's okay Jimin just gather my stuff and put it in the bag please." his scrunched up in pain when he felt a sharp ache in the rear part of his shoulder tendon.

"that son of a bitch! he did this to you again. Jungkook please just report him to the teacher." Jimin pleaded as he picked up the important piece of papers from the ground. "you know he won't stop messing around with you like this if you don't stand up for yourself-"

"i can't! okay? i can't." he struggled to stand up. "i owe him. there's nothing I can do if he decides to treat me like a pice of shit." Jungkook saw jimin's face dropped like a little kid. ofcourse he knew his only friend was concerned but this was something he couldn't tell anyone. besides nobody knew what was even happening behind everyone's back. there was no way he would let anyone know.

he sighed. "Jimin...i know you're worried about me. I'm okay. really i am."

"please don't say that with you bruised up lips." he rolled his eyes and Jungkook laughed. he wrapped his hand around jimin's narrow shoulder this time.

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