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When we got home we brought the girls to bed so they could take a nap then met back up in the kitchen.

"What did you want for dinner?" Colby asked as I sat down at the island. "I'm still not hungry." I said with a sigh as he frowned slightly. "You barely ate any pancakes this morning.." He said as I shrugged.

"I just don't have an appetite. I'll try to eat something but don't make anything special for me." I said and twisted my ring nervously. "Cor." Colby said and put his hands over mine.

I sighed then looked up at him, chewing my lip. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He said as I nodded. "Yeah." I said and brought my hand to his cheek, caressing it gently with my thumb. "Tell me what's going on. I wanna help you." He said said as I shrugged.

"I don't know. When I was away I just was so sad I didn't want to eat anything. The thought alone made me sick most days. I think my appetite will come back but please just be patient with me." I said as he nodded. "Of course I will." He said as I nodded. "Thank you. Now what do you think our cute little girls will want to eat when they wake up?" I asked and stood up so I could look through the cabinets.

"Well Amelia will probably want mac n cheese and Olivia will want titty milk so...mac n cheese?" Colby said as I laughed. "Olivia is probably old enough to try mac n cheese. She doesn't always need my titty milk." I said as he chuckled and slapped my ass as he passed me.

I yelped then turned around to face him as he grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you, ya know." He said and rested his hands on my ass. "I know, you've told me a couple of times." I said with a grin then raised up onto my tiptoes so I could kiss him.

Colby groaned slightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck, lacing my fingers through his hair. I missed him so much I could already feel the pit in my stomach. I opened up to him and let him deepen the kiss as he gripped my ass a little harder. I moaned slightly, feeling my heart bursting out of my chest as he lifted me up onto the counter.

I giggled as he pulled away and kissed my neck. I found myself getting lost in him so much that when we pulled away I let out a little wimper. "Later." Colby said then kissed my cheek.

"This is weird." I said as he grinned and brushed my hair behind my ear. "What is?" He asked causing me to giggle. "You turning me down for sex." I said as he laughed. "I'm not turning you down, I'm postponing. There's a difference." He said then turned to the fridge.

"Hmm." I said then hopped off of the counter so I could sit down at the island again. I pulled my phone out and started scrolling through social media. Colby turned on some music and started to make dinner which was always entertaining to watch.

As I scrolled through Twitter though I noticed a lot people were talking about Colby being sad. I clicked on a random profile and started going through their tweets. Most of them were normal until I got down to a couple weeks ago.

Guys stop talking about Colby and Cora's divorce! He probably just wants an escape from it while he's on social media.

I scrunched my brow then looked up. "Hey babe?" I asked as he hummed and turned to me. "When did we get a divorce?" I asked as his face scrunched with confusion until he saw my phone in my hand.

"Cora..." He said as I set my phone on the counter. "They didn't see you around for a while so they're just assuming." He said as I nodded. "It's okay. I get it." I said with a sigh and raked my hand through my hair.

"It's not okay. You know it's not." He said as I shrugged. "I don't really blame them. We're attached at the hip. Of course they are gonna question a divorce when I'm gone for a month." I said as Mia came down the stairs.

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