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I woke up to someone splashing water on my face, causing me to gasp. "Thank god, I seriously thought I fucking killed you." Colby said as I laughed. "You did." I said then sat up slightly. I was still in the bed, wearing my lingerie, but Colby was showered and dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants.

"How long was I out?" I asked as he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Uh...11 hours." He said as I sat up in shock. "Holy shit! Dude!" I said and looked outside, realizing it was bright out now.

"I might have gotten a little carried away." He said sheepishly as I tried to get out of bed. My legs were jello though, so I almost fell to the floor. "Woah!" I yelled as Colby caught me. "Honestly....I kinda loved it...actually not kinda...like I really fucking loved it." I said as he lifted me up so he could take me into the bathroom.

"You're not mad?" He asked as he set me down on the counter. "What? No! That was the best sex I have ever had in my entire life. Never stop doing it like that." I said as he grinned and turned on the faucet for the bathtub.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but...give me a while before we do that again." He said as I laughed. "I mean I'm the one who can't walk right now. I think I'm the one that's gonna need a while." I said as he checked the temperature for the water, making sure it was perfect for me.

"We have to get those legs moving again...we're taking the girls to the zoo today." He said as I squinted at him. "What? Since when?" I asked as he undressed me then lifted me up and placed me in the water.

"Since your dad said he wanted to take us all to the zoo." He said as I smacked my forehead, "I mean I'm down but my dad can't know that you basically paralyzed me with your dick." I said as he burst into laughter.

"You're fine. Just a little sore, and that's why we are having a nice warm bath to soothe those muscles." He said then put some lavender bubble bath into the water.

I ended up sitting in the bath for a while, letting the hot water relax my very sore muscles.

"I brought you pancakes." Colby said as he came in with a little tray of pancakes and a glass of orange juice. "Why thank you." I said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I enjoyed my breakfast in the bath until the water was cold, meaning it was time to get out. I stood up carefully as my legs shook. I was much stronger though, so I could actually walk with little to no pain.

I went into the closet and got ready, getting into the most comfortable clothes I could find. Once I was ready I met Colby out in the living room.

"Ready to go, baby girl?" He asked as I nodded with a smile, walking over to him. "Yep." I said then stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. "Let's go then." He said and took my hand, leading me to the car.

I was excited to get to spend time with girls, Colby, my dad, and Michelle. I wanted to savor this moment as much as I could because in less than a week Colby would be leaving.

I tried not to dwell on it though, since today was supposed to be a good day. I would worry about that sadness later.

When we got to my dad's house, Mia came running out of the house. "MOMMY! DADDY!" She yelled then ran towards Colby.

"Hey, princess! Are you ready to go to the zoo?" He asked as she nodded and jumped up and down, opening the back door so she could get in her car seat.

"Ya know you might be getting big enough to not need a car seat." I said as she strapped herself in. "Really?!" She squealed as my dad, Michelle, and Olivia came out.

"Yep. You're getting old, kid." I said and ruffled her hair then turned to talk to my dad. "Hey, dad." I said and hugged him as Olivia reached for me. "Hey, squirt. I already got the tickets. We'll meet you there okay?" He asked as I nodded then strapped Olivia into her carseat.

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