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Colby's POV

"Daddy where are we going?" Mia asked as I got Olivia situated in the car. "That's up to you, princess. Where do you want to go?" I asked and checked her car seat buckles.

"Hmm icecream! Maybe the park too!" She exclaimed happily as I nodded, "alright, we can do that." I said with a laugh then got in the car.

I was a little nervous to leave Cora alone here but we had upgraded our security system so that it was even better than before. We also set up a safe word with the company so if the police are called we would just have to slip it in and they would silently send police to us.

We also weren't going to leave her there for too long, because she was extremely nervous about it. It was just a step towards healing.

When I got in the car Mia was talking to Olivia about what they were going to do at the park. It never failed to amaze me how much Mia loved Olivia. I knew there would probably be a day where they didn't get along but right now, Mia was obsessed with her sister.

"Ready, princess?" I asked as I parked the car, "yaaaaah!" Mia yelled as Olivia giggled. I chuckled and got out of the car, then pulled Olivia out of her car seat while Mia hopped out of the car.

"Come on daddy!" Mia exclaimed as held her hand out for me to take. "Sissy really is impatient, huh." I said to Olivia as she looked at Mia with a huge smile on her face.

"You love her though." I said and took Mia's hand as we made our way to the swing set. "Daddy, push me!" Mia squealed as I put Olivia in one of the baby swings. "Can you swing on the swing next to sissy so I can push you both?" I asked as Mia nodded then came over to sit on the swing next to Olivia.

"Weeee!" Mia squealed as I pushed her, "sissy, watch!" She yelled and pumped her legs so she would go higher.

Olivia giggled and turned her head to look at me, flashing me a toothless smile. "You're so cute." I mumbled then kissed her head. I gently pushed her forwards causing her to giggle, which was music to my ears.

We played at the park for about an hour before Olivia started to fall asleep on me. "Alright Mia, icecream ans then home, okay?" I asked as she smiled up at me, "sure thing daddy!" She said and grabbed my hand.

When we got to the car I laid Olivia down in her car seat then looked up at Mia. "What kind of icecream were you wanting?" I asked as she shrugged, "I don't know." She said as I grinned, "well you have a couple minutes to decide." I said then got in the car.

I drove us to Mia's favorite icecream shop as she sang songs to Olivia. I loved getting to spend some time with my girls, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Cora.

She was really good at putting on a brave face, but today she looked nervous. I couldn't blame her though, after everything she's been through. That's why we were doing this slowly, so she could have an easier time adjusting.

Mia ended up getting a banana split which was big enough to share with me. "Daddy this is HUGE." She said as I chuckled, "yeah, that's why we're sharing sweetheart." I said with a laugh as she nodded, "can sissy have some?" She asked as I shook my head, "sissy isn't old enough for sugar yet." I said as she nodded. "Okay, just for us then!" She said then took a big spoonful.

We got about halfway through the sundae before Mia put her hands on her belly, "daddy you have to finish it, I'm STUFFED." She said as I laughed. "I'm stuffed too." I said with a nod as she giggled, "can we get mommy something?" Mia asked as I nodded.

"Yep! What do you think she would like?" I asked as she shrugged, "I don't know daddy, I can't read." She said as I laughed, "right. Well how about a brownie sundae?" I asked as she nodded, "yummy!" She said then helped me clean up the icecream as Olivia slept soundly in her carrier.

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