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"Mommy, when can we take baby sissy home with us?" Mia asked as I frowned, "not for a couple days, honey." I said and ran my fingers through her hair as Colby pulled Olivia off of my chest. "Why?" She asked and sat up.

"Well, because mommy and Olivia need to be watched by doctors to make sure that they're okay." Colby said as he bounced Olivia. "Is mommy not okay?" She asked and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Mommy's okay sweetheart, I'm just hurting a little bit from the...magic." I said as she nodded, "mommy's strong." She said and rested her head back on my chest. "Yes, she is." My dad said as I jumped,

"dad, I forgot you were even in here you were so quiet." I said as he laughed, "I didn't want to interrupt family time." He said as I frowned, "you're part of the family, though." I said as he grinned, "yeah, but I just wanted to watch you guys." He said with a shrug as Olivia fussed.

"Hey, Cor. I think she's hungry, wanna try feeding her again?" He asked as I looked at Mia. She was looking curiously at Olivia as she chewed her lip absentmindedly. I was trying to decided if I wanted to try and breastfeed with her in the room. I just didn't know how it would go.

"Hey Mia, why don't we go get the cookies you made for mommy from the car?" Dad asked as I looked up at him with thankful eyes, "yeah! We made chocolate chip cookies for you and sissy!" She exclaimed which warmed my heart.

"Thank you, baby." I said as my dad helped her get off of the bed carefully. "Be right back!" Mia squealed happily as dad took her hand and led her out of the room.

"I love her so much." I said as I prepared to try and feed her. I was so scared she wasn't going to latch on again. I didn't know if mentally I could handle that right now.

"I love her too." Colby said quietly as he laid Olivia in my arms so I could try to feed her again. "What if she doesn't do it?" I asked with a frown as he stood up straight. "Then your tits just aren't good enough for her." He said with a shrug making me laugh.

"They're good enough for me though, so she's missing out." He said as I shook my head and lowered her down.

It only took a few seconds before she actually latched on.

"Thank god." I said with a smile and looked up at Colby, "looks like your tits win again." He said as I rolled my eyes. "Get it out of your system before Mia comes back." I said and brought my hand to Olivia's head, running my fingers through her hair.

I missed the feeling of having a newborn baby. It gave me a sense of importance. She was just so small and fragile, she needed Colby and I.

Mia needed Colby and I also but she was so independent, even though she was little. I just knew she was going to be the best big sister in the world. Colby was watching me carefully as I ran my fingers through Olivia's hair.

"What?" I asked feeling a little nervous as to why he was watching me like that. "Nothing, I'm just watching you." He said quietly then rubbed Olivia's back gently.

"Well don't, I probably look like a mess." I said with a laugh as he shook his head, "no. You're stunning. The most beautiful person I've ever seen." He said with no hint of sarcasm.

He was absolutely serious.

"I love you." I whispered as he grinned, "I love you, too." He said as the door opened. "Sissy!!!" Mia squealed as she ran in with a container of cookies. "Come here, princess." Colby said and opened his arms out to her as she squealed and ran in, "hi daddy." She said as he lifted her up onto his hip.

"Those look yummy, sweet girl." I said sleepily as Olivia stopped eating, "thank you mommy. Can I cuddle sissy?" She asked and pouted her lip out at me. "Let me get sissy cleaned up then you can, but only if you're super careful." I said as she nodded violently. "I promise!" She said as Colby laughed.

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