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After a lot of convincing Colby eventually agreed to go back to filming his show.

It's been a couple weeks since I've seen him and I wouldn't see him for another month or so. Kat and Josh have been living with the girls and I since she was feeling pretty lonely from Sam being away and u needed someone here with me in case I had an attack.

"Are you ready for your last day of school Mia?" I asked as I tied the big bow that was on the back of her dress. "Yeah! I can't believe I'm gonna be a first grader next year!" She squealed happily as I pulled my phone out.

"Yeah, yeah, you're old. Did you want to call daddy so he can see you on your last day?" I asked as she jumped up and down. "Yeah!!" She squealed as I FaceTimed Colby.

"Good morning beautiful girl." He answered with a gravely voice as he brought the camera to his sleepy face.

"Good morning, honey." I said and smiled, sitting on the floor. "You taking the princess to school?" He asked as Mia came over and plopped into my lap. "It's my last day, daddy!!" She exclaimed as I kissed her cheek.

"It is! I wish I could be there." He said as Mia leaned her head back onto my chest. "Me too, daddy. When are you coming home?" She asked as I looked over at Olivia, who was crawling on the floor with a pacifier in her mouth.

"Not for a while, but when I do come home we're gonna celebrate, okay?" He asked as she giggled and nodded. "Okay, did you want to see my dress?" She asked as Colby nodded, "I'd love to." He said as Mia got up and I flipped the camera.

"It puffs out when I spin!" She said then spun around. "It's beautiful! You're a princess, sweetheart." He said as Mia giggled. "Thank you, daddy." She said then looked at me. "We're gonna be late." She said as I nodded, "go get your backpack." I said then flipped the camera.

"How are you feeling, Cor?" He asked as I pulled Olivia into my lap. She spit her pacifier out then cooed at the sight of Colby.

"Hi my angel, oh you're getting so big." He mused as she reached for the phone. "I'm feeling okay, some days are definitely harder than others." I said and bounced Olivia in my lap as she giggled with her fist in her mouth.

"I'm so proud of you. You have no idea." He said as I smiled. "I have a pretty good idea. How's filming going?" I asked and put the phone down so I could stand up with Olivia in my arms.

"It's going, I think the series is going to go well. Everything is so professional. I wish you could be here to see it." He said as I shrugged. "Mia's done with school, maybe we can take a trip to one of your locations." I said as his face lit up.

"That would be amazing." He said as I grinned. "We'll see. Okay, I have to go now but I love you and so does this little girl." I said and pointed the camera to Olivia, who was perched on my hip. "I love her, and you, and Mia. I really miss my girls." He said with a sigh.

"Your girls miss you, I'm counting down the days baby." I said as he nodded, "I am too. Okay, be safe. I love you." He said as I walked downstairs. "I love you too." I said then hung up.

When I got downstairs Kat was in the kitchen, cooking something. "What's the occasion?" I asked in disbelief as Mia ran up to hug her. "Well, it's Mia's last day! She deserves the best breakfast from the best auntie." Kat said as I chuckled.

"That's so nice! What do you say, Mia?" I asked as Mia looked up at me with a grin, "thank you, Kitty!" She said and hugged Kat. "You're welcome, Mia." She said and ruffled her curls slightly.

We ate a quick breakfast then I got the girls situated in the car. "Mommy how are we going to celebrate?" Mia asked as I drove to the school. "Hmm we can have a pool party with all your aunts and uncles." I said with a shrug.

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