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Colby's POV

After about an hour of driving I finally got to the location I needed to be at. There was no building in sight, instead there was a big black SUV with two guys standing outside of it who were both wearing skii masks.

Maybe going alone was a bad idea.

As soon as I parked one of the guys pulled a gun out and pointed it in my direction. "Hands up!" The guy yelled as I opened my door. I held my hands up but glared at them as I got out of the car.

My heart was racing, maybe this was a setup. Maybe they killed Cora and were coming for me next. I shook away the fear, knowing I had to be strong in this moment.

"I have your money. Where's Cora?" I growled, noticing she wasn't with them. "We'll give you her location as soon as you agree to a couple things. Where's the money?" The guy with the gun asked.

He sounded familiar to me, but I couldn't place a name to the voice.

"It's in the car. I have to put my hands down to get it." I explained. "Get it." The main guy said. I nodded then reached into the car and grabbed the bag that had the money in it.

"Throw it on the ground in front of us." The guy ordered but I shook my head, "Not until you tell me where she is." I growled feeling the anger boil in me.

"Woah, relax. Don't get your panties in a twist. We need to talk before I do that." The guy said as I clenched my fists.

It was taking everything in me to not beat the absolute fuck out of both of them.

"Here's what's going to happen. You're going to give me the money, and we are going to flee. We'll give you the location of your wife, but you can't leave to go get her for three hours." He explained as I clenched my jaw, "no. I'm getting her as soon as you give me the location." I said as he laughed.

"Who has the weapon here?" The guy said and shook it towards me. "Why would I wait? You've made me wait 3 fucking days?!" I yelled angrily, "We need to flee, dumbass. You can't tell anyone about this if you want those little girls you have to stay safe." He said which caused me to flinch with anger.

"You won't fucking touch them. I'll kill you." I said with so much venom in my voice I didn't even recognize it.

"Woahhh, do what we say and we won't bother you or your family again. Do we have a deal?" He asked as I clenched my jaw.

I had to do anything to keep my girls safe.

"Deal." I said as the guy nodded. "Okay. I'm going to lay the paper with address on the ground. No tricks. As long as you keep your end of the deal I'll keep mine." He said as I nodded.

"Never come near me or my family again." I said as he nodded, "Toss the money." He said as I nodded and threw the bag so it would land in front of them.

He set the piece of paper down, then picked the money up and had his accomplice count it. As soon as they were satisfied they got in the car, "three hours starts now." He said then drove off.

As soon as they were far enough away I walked over to the paper and pulled my phone out. I immediately put the address in, praying that it was a real address and that I didn't just fuck myself over.

It was luckily real, and it was an hour away from where I was standing. I closed my eyes, praying Cora would be okay when I got to her.

I then called Sam, not knowing what else to do.

"Hey, do you have her?" He answered almost immediately. "No. They're fleeing with the money, I have to wait three hours to get her or they will go after Mia and Olivia next." I said as my voice shook. I didn't realize how scared I was until now.

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