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Colby's POV

It's been a couple days without Cora and things were only getting a little more challenging. I didn't realize how hard being a single parent was until now which only made Cora stronger in my eyes.

I couldn't wrap my head around how she did this for almost 3 whole months. It made me regret going to do the Netflix show. I shouldn't have left her for so long.

"Daddy these look horrible." Mia pouted as I tried to do her hair like how Cora does it. "I think you look beautiful." I said as she frowned. "When is mommy coming home?" She asked as she stood up to grab her bag.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart." I said as I picked Olivia up from the ground. "I miss her." Mia said sadly as we walked out of the room so I could take her to school. "I know, princess...I miss her too." I said as Olivia fussed in my arms.

"What's wrong, angel?" I asked as she looked up at me with a pouted lip. "Are you hungry?" I asked and brushed my finger against her cheek. "We're running late..." I mumbled then looked at Mia. "Okay. Go ahead and get in the car, princess. I'll be out in a second." I said as she nodded and skipped out of the house.

I quickly grabbed an applesauce pouch then ripped the tab off with my teeth. "Okay, can you hold this?" I asked Olivia as I grabbed my keys. She looked at me blankly as I tried to hand her the pouch.

"Are you gonna be stubborn for daddy?" I asked as she giggled. "Dada." She said which warmed my heart but also made me chuckle. "Mhmm. Stubborn like your mommy." I said then brought the apple sauce pouch to her lips.

She eventually grabbed the pouch from me which I was thankful for because I could have Mia watch her while I drove them to school.

I knew Cora and I made a great team but I didn't realize how difficult it was to be without her until now.

When we got to the car I strapped Olivia in then looked at Mia. "Can you watch sissy while she eats so she doesn't choke?" I asked as Mia nodded and giggled. "I'm in charge, sissy. No funny business." She said and pointed at Olivia. "Thanks, sweetheart." I said then closed the door and jogged to the drivers seat.

I played Disney music as I drove but Mia didn't sing along like she usually did. Instead she was laser focused on Olivia, making sure she wouldn't choke on her apple sauce. I couldn't help but smile at how precious they were.

I got so lucky.

"Sissy's done!" Mia said as she held up the empty apple sauce pouch. "That's great!" I said as I pulled into the parking lot. Once I parked the car I got out and grabbed Olivia as Mia got out with her backpack.

"Look both ways!" Mia said as I took her hand. "Always." I said and looked to make sure no cars were coming then walked her to the front door.

"Have a great day at school, Mia. I'll be here to pick you up later." I said and crouched down to be eye level with her. "Okay, daddy. I love you!" Mia said then gave me a hug. "Love you too." I said then watched as she skipped inside.

"Wanna go hang out with uncle Sammy and Josh?" I asked Olivia as we walked back to the car.

I have been spending most of my time at the traphouse with everyone because it would get boring at the house. Plus Sam and I had a lot of work to do before our show was released.

I knew Cora hated her birthday but she deserved to have a great birthday so we were trying to plan something for her so she would feel loved.

I was worried she wouldn't be home in time for her birthday because it was only a couple weeks away. I tried to call the institution to check on her every day.

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