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"How are you doing in here, Cora?" A nurse asked as she came into the room. I shrugged then looked at the blank coloring page I had been staring at for hours. "Are you hungry?" She asked and sat on the bed by my legs. "No." I mumbled as she sighed.

"How about we go to the rec room, maybe you can meet some of the other patients. It will make you feel less alone." She said as I shook my head. "I know you're having a hard time, but being around people might be good for you." She said as I looked up at her.

I knew she was right, but I wanted to desperately to be with Colby and the girls. I didn't want to be around anyone else right now.

I knew she wasn't going to let up on me though. I knew even if I asked her to leave she would just come back in a couple minutes until I finally agreed.

I didn't say anything as I put the coloring book nex to me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.
"Atta girl." She said and patted my shoulder as I sat up.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly as I brought my sleeve to my mouth. "Amanda." She said as we walked to the door. "Pretty." I said as she smiled and opened the door.

I could feel the nerves bubbling up as we walked down the hall.

They're gonna hate you. Go back to your room crazy.

I chewed on my sleeve more as I kept my eyes forward. "So you have kids?" Amanda asked as we walked towards the recreational room. "2 girls." I said as my heart swell slightly at the thought of them. "What are their names?" She asked as we walked into the room.

"Mia and Olivia." I said quietly as I looked around the room. There were couches and chairs dispersed throughout the room. On the walls were TVs playing random channels like the news or home decorating shows. To the left there were people playing board games.

I couldn't understand why they were all smiling and happy since I couldn't even fake a smile right now. Everyone looked so happy and healthy, whereas I felt broken and unwanted.

"This was a mistake." I whispered as Amanda rubbed my back. "You don't have to go over there, we can just set you up over here. You're okay." She cooed and directed me towards the empty couch.

You'll never fit in here.

I felt tears pricking my eyes as I chewed on my sleeve even more. I wished with all my heart that Colby was here. I wanted him to hold me and tell me that I was going to get through this and that I was strong.

I wanted Mia here to cuddle with me and make me giggle even though I didn't think it was possible. I wanted Olivia to pull on my hair as she smiled up at me with her big grey eyes.

I couldn't have them here though. I was too broken to be with them.

"Okay, did you want to try and watch a movie?" Amanda asked as she draped a blanket over my legs. "Um...sure." I mumbled as I brought my hood over my head. "What did you want to watch?" She asked as I pulled my knees to my chest.

"Corpse Bride." I said as my heart dropped slightly. That movie always reminded me of Colby. It reminded me of when we would watch it all the time when we were first dating.

I missed him so much.

"Never mind." I whispered and shook my head as tears formed in my eyes. "Oh sweetheart." Amanda said then sat next to me as I started to cry. "Is she okay?" A random girl asked as she came skipping over.

"She's okay, Iris." Amanda said as I cried into her shoulder. "Why is she crying then?" Iris asked as she sat next to us. "It's her first day..she's a little nervous." Amanda explained as Iris frown.

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