Chapter 29: You've Slowed Down, Old Man

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Rafe slowly opened the door to Delilah's bedroom, careful not to wake her up, and gently sat down on the edge of the bed, wincing as it dipped under his weight.

 He breathed out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. He was feeling better this morning, although wary for what was to come. He hadn't wanted to see a specialist, Delilah's presence would be enough to get his problems under control. Rafe had forgotten to think about how she would feel about the weight he was dropping on her shoulders. He now realized how much of an awful friend he was.

"I know you're awake, Del," he softly said.

The girl stirred, shifting to face him as she blinked her eyes open. "How did you know?"

"Instinct," he smiled.

That wasn't true. It was the way her breathing wasn't as deep as usual and the fact that she was completely immobile, which only happened when she couldn't find the strength to move.

 But he couldn't tell her that without sounding creepy. The way he was looking at her right now was creepy enough. He turned away as she stretched her arms above her head.

"Shall we go talk to my uncle?" she asked, finally pushing back her covers and getting up.

"Actually," he admitted. "I went while you were asleep."


It was something he needed to do alone. He didn't want her there when he was at his weakest, when all his flaws were laid out bare for everyone to see.

 Bad enough he had to show it to her uncle.

Besides, it was a way to show her that he didn't want to burden her with all his problems and that he was trying to get his life back on track on his own.

"How did it go?" she gently asked.

He exhaled a long breath. "Not bad. Mr Ross is an understanding man."

Delilah sat down beside him, resting her hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Ray."

The simple words made it all worth it and he had no idea how he could say it without sounding like a blubbering fool. But he was certain that the genuine smile he gave her spoke for him.

 She ruffled his hair with a light laugh, grabbing clothes she had laid out for herself the night before.

"Don't take thirty minutes," he teased. "We have a busy day."

She stuck out her tongue at him before shutting the bathroom door behind her.

 Not that she usually took thirty minutes. The first time he had stayed over for the night, he had been flabbergasted by the fact that in barely ten minutes, Delilah was ready for the day. Especially considering the fact that both Rose, his step-mother, and Sarah, took an hour each.

 Oh how she'd laughed at his expression that day. It was the first time he had thought she looked just like a fairy with her delicate features and cristaline laughter.

The door was thrown open, Delilah opening her arms as if making an entrance at the theater. "Ready!"

He shook his head, amused, and bowed, offering her his arm. A playful smile on her lips, she took it, following him outside.

 They could've taken his dirtbike, or even her uncle's car, but there was a certain satisfaction felt from parading in the streets with her at his arm. Even though halfway there she shoved him away from her and sprinted ahead of him, yelling back about how she was faster than him.

 A split second later he was bolting after her, determined not to stay behind. The fact that he hadn't ran in weeks didn't do him any good, even though he had always been a faster sprinter than her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞〚𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 〛Where stories live. Discover now