Chapter 6

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Delilah sighed heavily, staring at herself in the mirror. 

In a simple pair of jean shorts and a black tank top, she most certainly did not look like a girl going to a party. 

A few hours ago, she would have went without a second thought, staying just the time to keep her promise to Rafe. Now though, with the memory of her best friend's anger fresh in her mind, she was hesitating. 

She needed to find out what was going on with him. And this party might just be the answer. 

Taking a deep breath, she left the house. 

Unlike many teenagers, she did not need to sneak out her window. After all, her aunt and uncle were much less strict than normal parents. 

The music was loud enough to guide her through the night, the light blinding her even from afar. Knowing what smells to expect, she breathed through her mouth, searching for familiar faces. 

She truly wished Kiara would attend these rich kid parties. At least she would have someone to hang out with. 

A frightened squeak welcomed her, making her look up to the black roof of the white mansion. The roof was slanted just right in order to serve as a diving board into the pool. Topper held Sarah into his arms, ignoring her threats and pleads. He jumped down, falling into the chlorine scented water as Sarah screamed. Yet as they resurfaced, the girl clung to her boyfriend, laughing along with the crowd. 

Delilah pursed her lips, slightly annoyed by the behaviour. She looked around, trying to spot Rafe. 

A boy blocked her view of the party. "Hey, honey, you're new around here, aren't you?"

Kelce, one of Rafe and Topper's closest friends. He was the one most easily manipulated and was often pressured by Topper into doing things. 

Perhaps by Rafe too, when she wasn't around.

"Not as new as you think," she answered, dodging his arm as he tried to wrap it around her waist. "Have you seen Rafe?"

The boy sighed, disappointed, but gestured for her to follow as he slipped through the crowd. 

Delilah twisted and twirled, trying to avoid random hands and bodies pressed together while keeping an eye on Kelce. 

She was reluctant to enter the mansion, considering the parents most likely did not know of the party. But as the boy disappeared in the basement, she hurried her step. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was hit with a strong whiff of a metallic or floral smell. 

Something she had learnt to recognize as part of a prevention course at school: cocaine.

Oh lord, she thought to herself, staying slightly in retreat as she took in the scene before her. 

Teenagers leaning on tables as they snorted white powder, others laying on the couch or walking on wobbly legs. 

Her eyes caught Rafe's, who immediately backed away from the table he had been standing around.

"What's going on here?" she hissed, getting closer.

"I'm making the money back," he said, stumbling on his words.

"Ray, this is not a good idea," she warned.

"Bro!" called Kelce. "She looks a bit uptight, give her something to loosen her up."

"She doesn't do this kind of stuff," snapped Rafe, just as Delilah was about to say it herself.

"I didn't think you did," she mumbled.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞〚𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 〛Where stories live. Discover now