Chapter 38: All Hell Breaks Loose

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Ward gritted his teeth. "You know about the gold."

It wasn't a question, so Delilah shrugged with faked nonchalance. "I know about a lot of things, Mr. Cameron."

"That's dangerous knowledge, you know that?"

She raised an eyebrow. "What are you going to do? Kill me in front of your two kids and prove to them that all you ever did was lie to them?"

His smile looked more like a sneer. "Of course not. You talk as if I'd ever harm you."

"What gold are you talking about?" interrupted Rafe, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Not now, Rafe," snapped Ward, barely glancing back. "Delilah, dear, we both know that this is the only legal way out. You're not safe here anymore, come with us."

Delilah raised her eyebrow. "Is that a threat Mr. Cameron?"

"Why would I threaten you?" he growled, anger slowly appearing on his features. "Just get on the damn plane."

"No can do," she answered, backing up a few steps and pushing Sarah behind her.

The poor girl was shaking, and Delilah had to admit that she wasn't far off from doing so herself.

"Rafe, get them on board," ordered Ward, keeping his eyes fixed on her.

"Stop, Dad," said Rafe in a dangerously low voice. "I'm tired of not knowing what is going on."

"I'll tell you everything, son," said Ward, softening his voice. "You're the heir to my company after all."

"Sure doesn't feel like it," he grumbled, and Delilah was inclined to agree.

"I'll admit I've been distant these last few weeks, but it was to give you the opportunity to get your life back on track."

With each pretty word spilling from the business man's mouth, Rafe's anger left, his tense features softening until he was back to his normal self. To the boy who was in desperate need to please his father.

"I'll explain everything once we get to our summer house in the Bahamas," promised Ward with a smile.


That simple word was enough to send another spike of fear through her system. She backed another step, raising her hand as if to keep him away. Rafe's eyes turned to steel as he approached her.

"Ray, please don't do this," she whispered, hating how weak she sounded.

"Hey," he softly said. "Get on the plane. We'll be together and we'll figure things out, ok?"

She violently shook her head. "No. This is a bad idea."

He grasped her shoulders, fingers digging into her skin. Her heart leaped up her throat, freezing her in place. It was too much. Everything was catching up to her at breakneck speed and her mind couldn't process it all at once. She'd be kept prisoner in a house with a murderer, a guy with anger issues, and his sister, knowing too much information for her own good. 

She was doomed. 

Until a familiar van slammed its brakes in front of the private plane, blocking the way and successfully distracting both Ward and Rafe enough for Delilah to shake off his grasp and run in the direction of the approaching cop car, whose wailing sirens had caught her attention. 

Ward didn't look alarmed, a relieved smile actually stretching his lips.

"Thank God you're here," he called out to the sheriff as John B stormed out of the van, calling Sarah's name.

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