Chapter 41: I'm Not Like Him

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Delilah stood still in the doorway of her aunt and uncle's mansion as Rafe's truck backed out of the parking lot. She couldn't look away, the threatening note in his voice echoing over and over through her head. For the first time, she was considering obeying Rafe's orders and staying here, exactly where he'd told her to. 

Being scared for the people she loved was different than being scared for herself. If he'd threatened her, she would've taunted him, laughed at the idea, even. She didn't care for her safety. Not really. Not when Rafe was involved. But he hadn't threatened her. 

She didn't even know who he was threatening. JJ? John B? Kiara? Pope? A random Pogue? Or was it her aunt and uncle? Someone else? Her mind reeled with countless possibilities and scenarios, which worsened with every minute. 

She was on her knees with her head buried in her hands when her uncle found her.

"Eli!" he shouted in alarm, cradling her in his arms. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

"I can't do this anymore, uncle Ross," she croaked. "He's going to drive me mad."

"I'm listening, honey. I'm right here."

"It's Rafe," she whispered, as if the words wouldn't come out. As if they were scared to come out. "He... he got himself into so much trouble."

"It's not your fault, you can't control everything," softly said her uncle, although he didn't know anything about their situation.

With slow movements, she dried the tears on her cheeks as the fog blocking her thoughts faded away. 

The fact was true. Controlling everything and everyone was impossible. But she could control certain things. Like making sure Ward got exactly what he deserved. After all, they had evidence.

She took a deep breath. "Listen carefully, uncle Ross. I'm going to tell you everything."

Keeping everything inside of her, thinking she had to save everyone by herself; it was a mistake. She needed help. Her uncle was a powerful man and he was an adult. He was back-up. 

The entire story fell from her mouth in a straightforward manner, her voice hard and unforgiving. Her uncle's features tightened with every sentence, closing his eyes in a pained manner when she told him about Rafe. 

Silence stretched between them as the front door was shoved open, revealing her aunt Elise who looked distressed .

"Sweetheart, why did an SBI helicopter land on the island five minutes ago?" she asked frantically.

"Shit," they both cursed at the same time, increasing Elise's panic.

Ross got up, dusting off his shirt. "Where did they establish their headquarters?"

His wife hesitated. "Between the Cut and Figure Eight, I think."

"I'm going to see what they want and what information they have," he decided. "Eli, find the folder and bring it to me as quickly as possible."

She nodded sharply, getting up and running a hand through her short hair. "Yes, sir."

Elise crossed her arms over her chest, staring between the two of them with a stern expression. "You're not going anywhere until I know what's going on."

"We found something that may or may not prove that Ward murdered Big John," blurted Ross, kissing his wife's forehead before running down the driveway. "I'll explain later, please don't kill me!"

"Ross Thompson!" shouted Elise, not looking pleased. When her husband did not stop, speeding away, she turned to Delilah, who smiled apologetically. "What...."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞〚𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 〛Where stories live. Discover now