Chapter 11

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Delilah watched with apprehension as the sky darkened, the sea deciding to follow its example with large waves and wind. She grasped the railing as another wave rocked the boat, hating the fact that she could do nothing but wait. Thunder boomed, startling her.

"Keep the tether out of the prop!"

"I'm trying," protested Kie.

With John B shouting orders, JJ at the bar, Kie in charge of the rope and Pope working the drone, Delilah had thought the trip would be an easy one. But panic slowly overcame their actions as the storm came closer, and she realized that coming here at this time was definitely not a good idea. She walked towards Kiara as quickly as she could without toppling over.

"Haven't bought your sea legs yet?" teased Kiara, her hands raw from moving the rope.

"Shut up," she laughed, helping her to the best of her abilities.

"Okay, seven hundred feet!"

Thunder crashed, interrupting her.

"Hold it steady, JJ," yelled John B.

Through Kiara's countdown and JJ's directive commands, Delilah focused on the monitor in Pope's hands, watching as the dark waters unfolded in front of the drone.

"Pope, how are we doing?" she asked, gritting her teeth as another wave sent her against the railing.

"Almost there," he mumbled, barely heard with the howling winds.

"There's too much current!" shouted Kiara, and Delilah could feel the tether digging into her palms. "We're gonna lose it!"

"South south-west, JJ," ordered John B. "Hard!"

The boat lurched, yet all Delilah could hear was the beeping of the monitor. 

The excitement overcame the fear of the storm. If they made it, the discovery would be sensational!

"Half speed. Steady at the bearing, JJ."

John B rushed towards Pope, peering over his shoulder with such intensity she thought the screen might melt. "What do you got, Pope? Come on, man. What do you see?"

He needed to find the boat. It wasn't only a fantasy, it was a necessity. He needed to feel close to his father, he needed to end the quest his father had started. 

The desperation was written clearly on his face at such a level that Delilah wanted to dive into the water and search for the wreck herself.

"Nothin'," muttered Pope, squinting at the screen. "A whole lot of nothin'."

The boat swayed roughly, sending Delilah stomach up her throat. 

She distracted herself, watching as the rope uncoiled. 

970, 980, 990... 

"I'm at the bottom!" shouted Kiara, startling her.

"Okay, steady here, JJ," ordered John B. "Quarter speed, all right?"

"We should be seeing something," said Delilah, grasping Pope's shoulders to keep herself steady.

"I know, I know. Wait!"

The simple word froze the world around them, keeping them still in time. 

She watched the dark screen with apprehension, forgetting about the storm around her as rotten wood came into view.

"Oh, good God," they both whispered.

"See anything?" asked JJ with barely contained impatience.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞〚𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 〛Where stories live. Discover now