Chapter 44: Real-Ass Lawyer

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Delilah couldn't help the nerves tangled up at the bottom of her belly as she stepped onto the small plot of land where the SBI had chosen to set up their headquarters. The entire place was a mess, with people running from tent to tent and vehicles coming and going every two seconds. 

All for one falsely accused teenage boy. The thought was ridiculous.

"Take your hands out of your pockets, JJ," she scolded the boy, still examining the situation before her. "And Pope, stop looking like a mouse getting ready to bolt."

"Sorry," they both muttered, sounding like children.

A smile threatened to curve her lips at their sheepish expression. "In a place like this, you need to act as if you belong here."

"Fake it til you make it," added Kiara with a wink. "No comment for me?"

One glance at her friend's posture and the determined glint in her eyes was enough for Delilah. "Perfection's incarnate, milady."

JJ snickered as the curly haired girl dipped in a curtsy, hiding exactly how stressed he was. 

Pope looked grim, as if remembering how useless the sheriffs usually were. But they had proof. And Delilah wasn't going to walk away until she got exactly what she had come looking for. 

Knowing the others would follow her lead, she raised her chin and tucked the precious file under her arm, easing into a confident strut as she walked between tents. 

Flanked by the boys, with Kiara covering the back, they looked like a small army looking for trouble. Agents glanced their way as they passed, without ever thinking of stopping them. Four young adults that looked like they knew where they were going; they could be witnesses or local informants for all the agents knew. What use is there to stop someone that has a purpose? 

They marched through hurriedly pitched tents at such a pace that Delilah had trouble analysing what each tent was for. She shifted their path towards the largest tent, placed in the middle of the designated SBI area. Logically, the central headquarter block should be there and that would allow them to find someone in charge.

"Excuse me," said Delilah, tapping an officer's shoulder to attract his attention. "Good day, I have important information that requires immediate attention."

"We're busy, miss," he replied, looking over his shoulder for someone who could relieve him of the duty of dealing with irritating teenagers. "The office is closed to visitors. You could perhaps call the front desk and ask for directions."

Delilah bit the inside of her cheeks to prevent her anger from showing. They were barely getting started and she already had enough of it.

"Sir, you don't understand," she continued as calmly as possible. "I have proof that you are searching for the wrong person."

The agent suddenly frowned, eying JJ and Pope. "Weren't you two seen with the suspect a few hours ago?"

JJ and Pope exchanged a panicked glance, debating whether or not it was time to run. 

Her mind was a whirlwind of possibilities as the agent picked up his radio.

"I advise you to listen to what my niece has to say," said a stern voice, coming from behind them.

A bright smile lit up Delilah's features as she recognised her uncle, who walked into the tent as if he had bought the entire thing himself, trailed by a man she had never seen before.

"She claims to have proof, but I think you know, sir, that this isn't how the law works." The agent was undeterred, his frown deepening, but had put down his radio.

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