Chapter 9

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Delilah turned away from the boat as it slowly sunk under the surface, making sure that her face wouldn't show up on any cameras. 

Pope gasped as he resurfaced, a laughing JJ helping him back aboard.

"Wow, you did it. I'm so proud of you right now, holy crap!"

The girl frowned, disappointment written clearly on her face, but said nothing. 

Pope breathed heavily, glancing over his shoulder as if only realizing now what he had done. "JJ, Delilah?"


"You can't tell anybody," he pleaded, glancing back and forth between them. "I mean it, not Kie, not John B, nobody."

"Yup, my lips are sealed." JJ made a gesture as if zipping up his lips. "Now, give me that."

He grabbed the boat's plug from Pope's outstretched hand and grunted, throwing it as far as he could. 

Delilah stared ahead, her lips pressed together in a tight line. She listened distractedly as JJ and Pope bantered back and forth and before she knew it, they had arrived on the Cut's main dock. 

JJ jumped out of the boat, raising an eyebrow at them. "Are you coming?"

"I'm giving her a ride home," said Pope, glancing at her for approval.

She nodded her thanks and sent JJ a small smile, accompanied by a wave.

The blond blew her a kiss. "See you soon, honey!"

Pope rolled his eyes and Delilah felt her cheeks heat despite herself. A natural reaction to a hot guy, she supposed. 

She watched the scenery as it passed, snapping her head back as the motor died. "Um, Pope?"

There was no sight of a dock anywhere around them. She couldn't help but feel on edge as the boy walked closer to her, his head down. 

She tightened her fists, readying herself for any scenario. But she was unprepared for what happened next. 

Delilah froze as Pope dropped down on both knees before her.

"I know you don't approve of what I did earlier on," he said in a low voice.

She did not bother contradicting him. What he had done would only bring him trouble.

"But I'm begging you," he implored, dark brown eyes melting her from the inside. "Don't tell a soul."

Her expression softened. "That's what you are worried about? God, Pope. I'm not a snitch, especially not when Topper deserved what happened."

"You mean I got down on my knees for nothing?"

The girl threw her head back and laughed. "Well, I do appreciate the gesture."

He pushed himself off his knees, instead sitting on the seat in front of her.

"You and Rafe are close, aren't you?" he quietly asked, watching her reaction.

She flinched, avoiding his eyes. "Yeah. Yeah, you can say that. I never thought he would.... you know."

Pope shrugged, leaning back. "The guy's got issues, I know that much."

But through the nonchalance, Delilah could see the fear. He was afraid of Rafe.

"Has he ever threatened you before?"


The simple answer made relief flood over her.

"God, I'm so sorry," she said, burying her face in her hands.

Pope frowned. "What for? You pretty much saved my life."

"I should've known something was wrong with Rafe," was her muffled answer.

A gentle hand laid itself on her shoulder. "Sometimes you don't know people as well as you thought you did."

Delilah sighed, peeking through her fingers in order for Pope to see her smile sadly. Seeing an answering smile instead of his usual serious expression made her feel good.

"On a change of subject," she said, narrowing her eyes. "Why is it so important that no one finds out about the sabotage?"

After all, no one would blame him, and even if he was charged, Topper was smart enough to realize that he could get in serious trouble for jumping Pope.

Pope rubbed the back of his neck. "A criminal record doesn't look good on a scholarship application."

The girl nodded, understanding. "What are you going to college for?"

"I want to be a coroner."

She widened her eyes, the sentence catching her attention. "Really? Nice! I suppose you'll be going to university?"

He eyed her curiously. "Girls are usually weirded out when I say that."

She rolled her eyes, shrugging slightly. "People are weird, what can I say? Besides, that's an interesting career."

He grinned. "I know!" He rambled on like the nerd he was, describing the aspects of the job that he would enjoy most and the courses he would have to take. 

Delilah listened, smiling fondly as she realized exactly how cute he was when he spoke of something he loved. 

Pope's joyful expression faltered. "But first, I have to get that scholarship."

"Hey," she said softly. "I don't know you that well, and I know you're going to make it."

"But if I don't get that scholarship..."

She pressed her finger to his lips, silencing him efficiently as a blush spread to his cheeks. He wasn't used to physical contact, she had noticed as much.

"Even if you don't get that scholarship, I know you'll find another way to succeed. It's who you are, Pope."

She moved back her hand, allowing him to breathe freely.

"Thanks, Del," he exhaled. Then, he hesitated. "I can call you Del, right?"

She chuckled. "I've been called so many nicknames, I don't think another person calling me Del would bother me."

The boy pursed his lips. "I bet I can find another nickname for you."

She smirked. "I'm all ears."



"Elli? El?"

"Heard it."

"D? DeDe?"

"My young cousins couldn't say my name properly."

He groaned. "Alright, desperate attempt; Lilah."

She raised an eyebrow. "I've always wondered why no one had thought of that earlier."

Pope whooped in triumph, making her laugh once more. But as a thought crossed her mind, she sobered up.

"Pope, I suppose you've read a lot of books on being a coroner," she said innocently.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "What sort of trick is this?"

"Yes or no?"

He sighed. "Yes."

She grinned evilly, knowing exactly how wrong this whole situation could get. "Perfect, we're going to the police station."

A/N Wonderful, the police station. I wonder what could go wrong.

Thanks for reading and voting! -Aella

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