Chapter 45: I Had To See You

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Delilah sat on her bed, blankly staring at the open doors of her closet. The rain was hitting hard against her windows, drowning out the wind and the soft music playing downstairs. 

Two days. 

She couldn't believe she was leaving in two days. 

A heavy load settled on her chest, a heartbreaking sigh escaping her lips. Her bag was sprawled open on the floor, surrounded by her clothes, neatly folded by her aunt Elise. The entire household was melancholic ever since they had realised that the date of her departure was quickly approaching. 

Delilah pursed her lips, knowing she had to snap out of it. There was no way she would spend her last days here sulking in her room. 

Abandoning her attempt at packing, she slipped on a large sweater and made her way downstairs, determined to spend time with her family.

"Who's up for a board game?" she shouted before she hit the last stair.

Elise's clear voice answered her approval while Ross grinned from ear-to-ear, miraculously leaving his office. They settled themselves on the rug by the hearth in the living room, enjoying the warmth of a crackling fire and the joy of simply being together. 

Caught up in their own world, it took a few tries before the louds knocks on the front door were heard.

Her uncle frowned. "Someone's at the door."

Delilah pursed her lips, wondering who was crazy enough to be out in this weather and slowly got to her feet.

"Stay here, Eli," said Ross, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I'll get it."

There was a certain worry in his voice, as if he still hadn't gotten over the fact that she had been held at gunpoint a few weeks back. It was a miracle that the event has not traumatized her. 

She pushed back the thoughts, unsure what would happen should she let them enter her mind and take root there. Still, wariness made her watch her uncle as he got up and walked to the door, opening it just enough in order to stare outside.


Delilah shot to her feet, nearly running to the door without even taking a second to think about anything at all.

"What are you doing outside in this weather?" she scolded him, ushering him inside as Ross shut the door behind them.

"I had to see you," he whispered with a shiver, trying to wipe his face with his already soaked tee-shirt.

She rolled her eyes, forbidding herself from laughing. "Let's go upstairs, we need to dry you off."

Running a sheepish hand through his hair, he followed, muttering his apologies to her aunt and uncle as she passed. Elise gave him a warm smile, her eyes twinkling as she followed their progression up the stairs, noting how Delilah had completely forgotten about their interrupted board game.

"Teenagers," sighed Ross, walking to the kitchen to make coffee while his wife laughed, wrapping herself in a blanket and sitting in his armchair.

Upstairs, Delilah had dragged Pope into her room, rummaging through her drawers in order to find a towel, picking up a specific sweater from off of the floor as she went. 

To say she was happy to see him was an understatement, and she did her best to prevent him from seeing exactly how much as she turned her face away from him.

"Not to offend you," he teased, as she threw the towel and sweater at him. "But at first glance, I don't think I fit in your clothes."

She stuck her tongue out at him, remembering the exact differences between his lean build and her petite form. "That sweater is way too big for me, I certainly hope you fit in it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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