Chapter 24

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"No effing way!"

Delilah leaned her head back against the chair in John B's sunroom, trying to ignore the sudden tension in the air. Kiara had bolted from her chair, glaring daggers at the incoming couple.

"You brought her here," she hissed. "So what, she's on this now?"

John B ran a hand through his curly hair, not knowing what to say, while Sarah Cameron awkwardly crossed her arms over her chest, closing herself from any further criticism.

"Look," drawled JJ, eying the Kook with caution. "All I care about is that her cut comes from your share."

John B shot him a pleading stare, silently asking his best friend to help him out.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote," aggressively noted Kiara, widening her stance as if readying herself for a fight. "This is our thing, a Pogue thing."

"I got to say," quietly said Pope, trying not to feel the consequences of crossing a furious Kiara. "I'm feeling a tad uncomfortable with this."

John B scoffed, and Delilah looked away, letting him know that she wasn't going to get involved. "When are you not?"

"I dunno," shrugged Pope, slightly defensive. "I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably."

"It's true," interjected JJ, sitting down on the arm of the chair Pope was lounging in. "Most relaxed I've ever seen him."

"That's cute guys," groaned John B, unappreciative of their attempts to lighten the mood.

"You know," shot Kiara. "We were all comfortable until you brought her along."

"Weird how you accepted her without an issue," snapped Sarah, gesturing towards Delilah. They could all tell she was losing her patience.

"Hey, leave her out of this," snapped Pope. "She's the only one here that hasn't said a word against you."

Delilah raised her eyebrow, staring down the Kook princess until she blushed. She had always gotten along with with Rafe's little sister, although she knew that Sarah did hold a grudge against her for monopolizing her brother's attention. She sighed, knowing that if she or one of the boys didn't get involved, they were going to be here for a while.

"Let's cut the chase, alright?" she said. "I know the look on your face, John B, you're head over heels in love. And the only thing you want is for your friends to accept her, I get that."

"Ooh, this is new," said JJ, following the situation with interest.

"Hold up, now," interrupted Kiara.

Delilah held up her hand. "Not now, Kie. I know the both of you have an issue with each other, and that is something only the both of you can figure out. There is no need to drag us into this."

"I'm not..." Sarah started complaining.

"Hush," Delilah sternly said. "Either you get along, or you accept the fact that you will both lose John B."

JJ whistled. "Beautiful speech."

Kiara huffed and wretched open the door, disappearing inside the house.

Sarah shook her head, turning on her heels. "I'll give you guys time to talk."

John B stood helpless, watching as both girls walked off, leaving him alone.

"I won't always be there to deal with your problems, John B," she said, getting up from her seat.

"I was handling it," he protested.

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