Chapter 3

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An entire day of cleaning a yard filled with large branches and fixing broken hinges was not the ideal vacation plan for many people, Delilah included. 

Yet no complaint left her mouth. She enjoyed manual work and helping her family, the people that housed her and loved her despite living far away. It felt like a good way to repay them. 

Her uncle had suffered an interrogation concerning Scooter, with very little results, much to her annoyance. Until the end of the day, when Ross gently pressed her shoulders and whispered the grave news he had been told a few minutes ago. Scooter was found dead in the marsh. 

The news saddened her, as any death would, but suspicion was what she felt most.

"What kind of boat you said?" she distractedly asked her uncle.

"Um? A Grady-White. That's what people were saying, since the boat wasn't found."

"A five star boat," she said under her breath. "For a guy that used to beg for change."

Delilah bit her lip, aware that she was making a rushed judgement for a case she barely knew.

The girl shook her head, distracting herself and decided against changing clothes for the party at the Boneyard. 

Her aunt and uncle were sitting on the patio, enjoying the warm weather and the view of their freshly cleaned yard. The sound of the front door closing made them turn their heads.

"Going out, dear?" asked Elise.

"To the Boneyard. I might stay at a friend's for the night if Kiara can't drive me home."

Her aunt grimaced slightly. "There'll be Pogues at that party."

Delilah gave her a pointed stare. "Teenagers are teenagers, auntie, no matter their social class."

Ross smiled. "And you'll still be responsible, right?"

"Of course. I'll be careful, don't you worry."

Her uncle nodded, trusting her completely and her aunt exhaled a nervous laugh. "Alright, have fun."

The walk to the Boneyard was long, but enjoyable, since she was wearing sneakers. 

When Delilah arrived, the party was already at full swing and she took the opportunity to scan the crowd for familiar faces. 

Rafe wouldn't be here, that much she knew. Kooks often invited themselves to Pogue parties, although some others thought themselves too good to do that. 

A blond haired boy caught her eye first, most likely due to the constant swarm of girls around him. A small smile tugged at her lips. JJ. 

It was a normal stage in the life of a girl to have a crush on him and Delilah had not been an exception. The cute boy she remembered had grown into a frankly hot young man. Not that she was attracted to him anymore. 

Not far away, she spotted JJ's best friend, John B. With brown hair as long as hers and curls that were given by God himself, the teenager had always looked much older than his age. 

Why every single person he crossed called him John B and not John, or Booker, his middle name, she had no idea and had never been curious enough to ask around. 

She frowned, remembering that his father went missing at sea nine months ago and was presumed dead. Why wasn't John B in foster care? 

Kiara, of course, wasn't far, walking away from a dark skinned boy she identified as Pope. If anyone on the Cut was to have a bright future, Delilah was ready to place her bets on him. He was bright, and more responsible than most, in Kiara's words. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞〚𝚙𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 〛Where stories live. Discover now