I went to bed thinking after the ball. I'm an elite. I'm a fucking elite. This is crazy. I never thought I would even enter the selection, let alone get into the selection, and now I'm an elite no less. I thought that I would go home immediately and that Adrian was a stuck up asshole, but he's well he has a caring and protective side to him. The palace is literally a magical place. It holds so much information it's amazing. There are millions of book and well I always find a new place to explore or read. This is just insane. Two months ago I was working at the seamstress shop making four dollars an hour working every single day, having to scrape off the food on my plate to feed Bea or Aaron if they wanted more, having to turn off the electricity just to pass by, now I'm in the fucking palace, with more food than I could possibly imagine, books upon books, musical instrument to play and learn from, having so much free time I don't know what to do with. It's just insane of how my life has changed so much. There was a knock at the door, I opened it and there was Leger with a letter in his hands. I grabbed it and sat on my bed to read it.
Dear Cypress,
It is amazing to know that you are alright, everyone was super worried. We were informed that you are an elite. This is crazy, we get to go to the palace. Anyways in terms of Aaron, his treatment is doing really well and the checks have been helping us tremendously. We no longer have to turn off the electricity, and we can give the entire family seconds if we wanted. If you don't get chosen to be the one, don't worry, cause literally all of the girls that Prince Adrian has sent home are now married to famous people, and or high caste people. They also either have skyrocketing businesses. You'll end up marrying someone who will be good for you and you'll be happy. Anyways because you are in the selection and now an elite, all of the people have been coming to the seamstress shop that you and me worked at. Bea now doesn't have to work, she spends the day learning things, we were able to get her a violin and she is loving it. Katelyn has announced to us that she is pregnant with her first child, and she told us yesterday. She will also be coming with us to the palace when we get to visit. Jackson (name of Katelyn's husband) will also be coming. Anyways we just wanted to say we are so proud of you. We knew you were different from the very beginning and you've always been such a dreamer and that when you want something, you are going to do everything in your power to get it. We've know that you have been hurt and that you don't trust anyone easily and we are sorry for pressuring you to talk to us. When you were missing, we were so scared and when you didn't want to talk to anyone about anything, that's how me and dad all felt. We didn't want anyone to console us, or talk to us, or try to make things better, we just wanted to be alone, and we finally understand how that feels like.
P.S. please write a letter to Bea soon she's going crazy
Mom, Dad, Bea, Aaron, and Max
Dear Mom, Dad, Bea, Aaron, and Max
Honestly it's kind of insane to think I'm an elite, it's just insane. I didn't even want to enter the selection and when I got in, I thought I was going to be sent home right away, cause like who likes a girl who is closed off, snarky, sarcastic, and well not everything a queen probably should be, or what a guy would like. Though I was proven wrong clearly considering that I'm an elite, top fucking six for 'Adrian's heart' . Yea I'm not sure when you guys get to visit but the Italians are leaving tomorrow and it's sad, I've become close with all three of the Italian's royal children. Ornella, Giovanna, and Gabe. They are all great. Tell Katelyn that I'm sorry and that I'm sad that I wasn't there to tell her congrats for her new baby with Jackson. Also how far along is Katelyn? I'm glad to hear that Aaron's treatment is going well and that Bea gets to learn some music. She's like me and always enjoyed it. That's also nice to know that if I don't win, then I'll have a good life, be able to become something I've always wanted and be able to help and support you guys. I love you guys so damn much and I miss you guys so much. You mean the world to me.

the selection
Fanfiction*Old Work* I wrote this when I was 13, bear in mind. Please go check out some of my newer stories on my page. Cypress Ramirez is a six. She works as a maid in a seamstress shop. She loves to sing, play music, dance, and draw. She doesn't want to e...