Chapter 18-Confrontation

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I had waled out of my room grabbing my black vans and I had asked Leger to take me to see Thomas. He disagreed, but when I gave him an icy glare, he sighed and let me to see Thomas. I will admit I was nervous, but I was so done with his abuse and his reign over my mind, I didn't care anymore. I was pissed beyond words to know that he was here and that he had the balls to come back and ask me to forgive him. It may have worked on 13 year old Cypress, but 18 year old Cypress wasn't having any of his shit. I went to his prison cell and gave him an icy glare, he smirked at me, he had the damn audacity to smirk at me. 

"Hey babe"

"you don't get the right to call me that" I said in a bitter tone

"You know everything I did with you was a mistake, I'm sorry for doing it"

"really, you are sorry for what either raping me, abusing me, emotionally manipulating me, threatening my family, breaking my body, my heart, my soul which one, cause you did all those things"

He took a deep breath as he walked closer to me, his perfume which used to make me feel weak to my knees, now just made my blood boil. He tucked a piece of hair behind my head "I'm sorry for everything, I should have never let you go, you belong to me". I was beyond pissed out. I kicked him in the shin and I twisted him so he slammed against the jail wall, I pulled out one of my daggers and I spoke "you take one step closer to me, I will murder you, I don't belong to anyone and I sure as hell don't belong to you, I am not a piece of property to stake claim". I threatened him, and he looked scared for a bit, but he quickly masked it over with a neutral look. "I know you Pressly, and you have changed, but man are you still as beautiful as I day I met you". I snorted at his attempt to get me back. "cut the crap Thomas, I don't care if you think I'm beautiful, I couldn't give two flying fucks about your thoughts".

"you used to be happy, and sweet, what happened?"

"oh, I don't know, maybe because my psycho-ex boyfriend decided to rape me, and burn and cut my body for fun, or oh when I had to perform sexual pleasures for you, or when you emotionally manipulated me, or even when you decided to threaten to kill my entire damn family, yeah going through all of that definitely doesn't change you" I said sarcastically

"you are a lot more snarky than I remember"

"well you thank yourself for that"

"still the same quick witt I remember"

"wow, someone loves going memory lane"

"should we?"

"well just so you know, I already do that every single damn day of my life" I shot him an icy glare

"I still see I have an affect over you sweetie"

I took out one of my daggers and I pinned him to the wall with his hand. His hand had my dagger stuck through him a he let out a yelp of pain as he took in my dark eyes "The Cypress you once knew is gone, and trust me, your not getting her any time soon". I took my dagger out as I saw his bleeding hand. I twirled my blade around as he I started asking questions "so you will answer every single one of my questions and don't even try to lie or mask anything, I can tell when someone is lying. Question one, why did you rape me?"

"I raped you because you didn't listen to me, or my orders, so I did it for you"

"ok great, so you got what all jealous and alpha male dog because your girlfriend said no"

"it was a simple thing"

I scoffed "taking someone's virginity is a big deal, apparently you don't think so, you can literally die if you have sex before you are married, yet you seem to have no problem with it"

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