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Kazuki and Enju were in class and Akari was at a dentist appointment and it was peaceful

"Hey Kazuki are you feeling better after that day" Kazuki had no idea what Enju was saying

"Which day?" Kazuki said making sure he doesn't get in trouble as he looked forward at the board

"I mean when you fought Hiroshi" Kazuki then looked at her

"Oh yeah I feel great it was just a small injury with that bolt coming down at it hitting me" Enju then asked another question

"Hey, Kazuki?" Kazuki looks at her once more


"What was that technique you and Ricka did?" Kazuki then answered

"It was a fusion spell"

"What?!?!" Enju was now curious

"I'll show you after we leave school" Enju nods and returns to face the board


Enju and Kazuki were in the back of the school

"Alright" Kazuki turns away from Enju

"So Kazuki teach me" Kazuki looks at Enju

"One thing before we learn this spell is do not fuse when it's not necessary you'll be worn out after even though the power you and your partner possess will be divided to each of you" Enju nods

"Second you'll have a 5 minute timer only for new people and since you're new to this it will only last 5 minutes, Understood?"

"Yes" Kazuki looks at Enju who was ready

"Oh Ricka you're here great"


"Let's just get this over with" Ricka said as she walked up to Kazuki

"Hey, Enju catch" Kazuki tossed her a fruit

"Fruit of undying"

Kazuki nods as he is ready

"Alright Ricka let's go"

"By our combined power we will defeat our enemy, to make this world free from evil"

"I Kazuki"

"I Ricka"

"We will turn our enemy to ashes"

"Thanks Ricka"

A large light comes from both their chest as a powerful wind comes from the ground

A large light comes from the sky and lands on Ricka and Kazuki

As the light fades Kazuki and Ricka are one in a body

"Alright now Enju eat that fruit" Enju then noticed

"Hey where's your chest"

"Well you see this body is full male, since I'm fused with Ricka she was turned to a guy so I won't be as strong when I faced Sa- Hiroshi, but I will try"

Enju nods and then their fight begins as she finished eating the fruit

"Here goes" Rizuki charged forward as Enju got out of their way and then she shot a lightning bolt

"Wow Pikachu you really have good aim" Enju then got mad

"Who are you calling Pikachu?" She charged forward as a lot of static were heard from her body

"Good" Rizuki charged at her and a clash begun with Enju taking the lead and pushing them back by a lot

"Man I've better stop fooling around if not I'll never win" Enju released a lot of lighting from her body

Rizuki decided to finish quickly or Enju rage will take over

"Sorry Enju but your rage has caused it, Stage 1 Half Power" Rizuki then fired up and charged at her with a finishing blow causing Enju to hit the ground and slide to a tree

"Here goes" Then Rizuki got their final move ready

"Final Fire Cannon" with his left arm he merged it with Ricka's unbreakable ice and shot it at Enju without breaking a sweat

As the matched finished Enju was laying on the ground still conscious

"Wow that was fun" Rizuki said as the defused and both were on the ground panting

"*pant* Man to early *pant*" Kazuki said

"*pant* To much power*pant*"Ricka said

"Hey Kazuki what happened to *pant* Enju"

"I don't *pant*know"

Kazuki and Ricka could barely move

"Jeez Kazuki and Ricka both of you are really strong, Kazuki you're lucky your strong" Enju got up and Kazuki and Ricka were sleeping

She walked up to them

"Kazuki is cute when he's sleeping" Enju said as she was blushing

Enju then lied next to Kazuki as they both slept

After a few hours Kazuki woke up first

"Hmph you fools, he was stupid enough to let it slide but I promise in the next three weeks I will release my ultimate plan" and Kazuki left Ricka and Enju there

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerWhere stories live. Discover now