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Kazuki looks at Ren then back at Lily

"We have to go all out on this one" he turns back and looks at Ren

"If we don't we'll be killed for sure" as a drop of sweat comes down from Lily's cheek she nods

"Legendary Ninjutsu: Aura Manipulation" His left eye glowed heavily as a bit of energy came out of his eye

"There this should be enough" He looks back at Lily once more

"You ready"

"Sure am"

"Then let's go" Ren steps up and lunges at them almost flying towards them

He punches Kazuki's face but it didn't even faze him and he looks back at him

A knee to the stomach making him cough

"You lack of training Ren" Kazuki grabs his arm and picks him up and slams him back on the ground making a shockwave a mile away

"I may lack of training but at the same time I'm not even at half of my full power"

He loses the grip of Kazuki's arm and jumps back

"Lily get ready"

"Hmph, Hrah!" His eye glowed to the right and was in his advanced power

Ren then pulls his left arm back

"Hehe, Fire Cannon" he pushed his arm releasing the long wide fire beam

"What, Fire Cannon" Kazuki did the same but Ren teleport behind Kazuki and taps him on the shoulder

Kazuki surprised looks behind him and tries to punch him but missed as Ren teleport behind him again

"Hey, over here" Kazuki turns around and is delivered a punch to the face and landing in a nearby tree

Kazuki lifting the tree off him and tossing it feet away from him

Lily looks around for Ren

"Over here, Fireball Collision" Kazuki looks up as he is using wind to make himself float

"2 fireballs, well let's keep this going" Kazuki leaps out the attack but they follow him

"Crap, he locked me in" Kazuki dodges the attack

Soon to go their separate ways and loop towards Kazuki

"Damn" Ren now on the ground

Kazuki timing it right jumps as high as he could evading the attack as a explosion comes from down the ground

"That's one way to take care of things" Kazuki then spot Ren

He then skydive towards him

"Flaming Fist" he then drops down burn everything in his way from a 40 feet radius

"Over here" Ren now with his katana tries to cut Kazuki but in the nick of time he takes out his Kamuy and blocks it

"My, my Kazuki you've gotten stronger even if you're not a swordsman you shouldn't be worthy of the Kamuy" Ren kicks Kazuki down making him drop the Kamuy

"Now this is a ninja who should be worthy of the Kamuy" Ren steps up and picks up the Kamuy

"Now this is a weapon with power, Kamuy unleash your power and give it to me" Kazuki got up and tackled Ren and locked him in a full nelson

"Dammit, Reverse Flash" Ren with wide eyes

"Hey I thought you gave up on that attack years ago"

A ball of light came to view then went up in flames and soon both were hit by Kazuki's own attack

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