A Tragedy Happened

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4 months in


Kazuki was training with Oka so he could get ready for the second Ninja Tournament

"Take this Master, Talisman Deed" Oka used a charm and summoned a spell of balls of energy

"Time to finish this" Oka with dirt on her face and Kazuki with a tired expression

"This shall drain everything from, YOU!!!" The sphere of energy rush to Kazuki, bring placed on each limb, arm, leg, torso and head

Draining the energy out him and exploding with that same amount of energy, giving another massive explosion

Oka tried to hold on but the wind of the explosion set her flying

As the smoke clear Kazuki was seen standing but badly hurt

"Kazuki-dono, at this rate you'll kill yourself if you keep training this hard"

"Shut it Oka, I could care less if those explosion kill me I'll just have the answer in whether if is your spell that gotten stronger or I have energy hidden inside my body" Oka was worried but understood Kazuki bother

"I-I understand Master" Kazuki smiled and patted Oka's head

"Good to hear, now let's go I'll drop you home, hehe" Oka blushed as usual

Kazuki walked to the Kazamatsuri residence and left Oka, exchanging goodbyes

Even though she insisted to stay by Kazuki's side, Kazuki made her change her mind as he wasn't strong enough to protect her or himself yet

Kazuki made it home, showered, ate dinner, brushed his teeth and went to bed


It was now 14 days before the 2nd tournament and Kazuki was hyped but little did he know what curse laid upon him

He was training with Oka as usual all oit with deadly strikes and mixed martial arts

Giving it their all today

"This is it my greatest final punch, Shallow Strike" Kazuki fist now burning but felt no pain at all, landing his strike but it was just a dummy

"What?!" Kazuki confused

"This is it, Master, Talisman Deed" The same move is was he was hit but something was off, Kazuki absorbed the spell

That's went a burst of energy came out of nowhere and a white aura was around him

"What is this power?" Oka started to sweat

Everyone from Daikou Village went outside from the tremendous amount of energy that was being let out

"Whose presence?" Everyone stopped even Ren was scared of that power

"It seems like I was right Kyoto, that boy does have some potential"

"That boy, Kazuki was it, I guess he does have talent after all, seems I'll assassinate him later"

"Kikuko please keep training the boy"

"Kazuki Araya, you are next to help us just like Master said"

In a flash Oka was down with the now five strikes

A knee to Oka's stomach
A punch to Oka's face appearing behind her
A heel kick to her back
A huge kick to the sky
At last a roundhouse kick to the ground

Oka was on the ground, heavily breathing and couldn't move

Kazuki won, for the first time he won, and his opponent was his servant Oka

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